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Vehicle inventory dissappeared

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Date/Time: Today

What happened: Logged in after a day to find nothing in 2/3 of vehicles while 1 vehicle still had all of the gear. I saved the vehicles the day before.

Where you were: Chernarus

What you were doing: Checking vehicle gear

*Current installed version:

*Timeline of events before/after error: Saved vehicles the day before, logged on today to find nothing in them.

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I think this happened to me as well, at first I thought it was just bandits since it's happened many times before but.

1. The vehicle was still there, fully fueled and repaired and hadn't moved at all, you'd think they'd atleast move the vehicle with the stuff somewhere.

2. Everything was gone, I'd expect a bandit to take the good stuff like the dmr's, m14 aims maybe a few blood bags and meds, but there was alot of random junk like car parts, food/drink, many bandages. I find it hard to believe someone would want all the stuff and not just the good things.

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Two of our vehicles are completely empty too. Not sure whats going on.

This is the second or third time this has happened. We keep loosing hours worth of time put into gather car parts and other gear such as blood bags.

Hopefully this can be addressed in a upcoming update.

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