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The First Steps to surviving in 1.7

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Firstly, please do not read this thread as a whine about how impossible this game has become. Although the catalyst for the creation of this thread is due to the increased difficulty in the game after the latest update I believe this game can still be played. We must, however, get a good list of tips for new players.

Resent tips and guides on this forum for new players have been very general and do not give inexperienced players enough info to survive for very long. As one of these players I have only found weapons twice in my 10 life carrier in this game. Each life lasting for at least 30 minutes each. I hope the next patch will increase some of the loot drops, try and fix the lack of enterable buildings and fix the wonky AI pathing and the zombies apparent x-ray vision and selective hearing. All this aside, I think players will get a lot more out of the game if they start in the right way. Therefore, in this thread please post your tips for the first couple of steps a player who has just spawned should complete.

Allow me to start and give some examples:

* Get off the coast a quickly as possible, especially on a busy server with players who tend to shoot first ask questions later.

* Mostly ignore the small towns as they have a very high risk (increased zed population) Vs Very little reward (most buildings are not enterable and there are very little item drops in any case)

*Use the location given at the bottom of the screen every time you spawn in a server and the map at http://dayzmap.info/ and make your way to one of the bigger towns or a section of the map which shows a possibility of some good loot. Try not to just wonder, as if you are unlucky you could be walking for hours and get absolutely nothing.

* Your priorities are: weapon, water, meds, food and then everything else, in that order. Only take what your need, don't take a spare car tire when all you have is a can of beans and some matches.

That's all I've got for the moment. What are your first steps for the beginning of a new life?

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Im pretty new to DayZ so i dont know if im even good enough to give tips ^^

but the first thing i do is find some water / Soda and a can of Food and then i head further into the map and look for a weapon and other gear there :) and ofcourse take it slow have patience and be VERY caution of other players as most tend to shoot on sight

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Thanks for the tips, but im not sure they will be of any help :( the last time I spawned I ran to a factory area and when I was crawling around a zombie ran at me from nowhere forcing me to run away. When I was trying to get rid of him (by running away since I had no means of defending myself) I just attracted more zombies. I ran into a building and climbed up a ladder since I didnt know zombies could climb then. When I discovered the opposite I made my way to they other side of the building climbing various ladders. I found some ammo and a hunting knife. After some time i saw that there was no ladders down from this side so I realiced that I either had to run past them, wich was not possible since the floor was just about 1 meter wide and then just fence and on the other side of the fence was a 10 meter fall down to the ground, or i'd have to kill them but I had nothing to do so with. And I could'nt jump down since there was a fence blocking the way and if I could have jumped down it would just have killed me.

This is WAY too diffcult. Something to disable them or a melee weapon because this is utter madness.

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i have no problem with this, just have PATIENCE damnit. dont run or be greedy. just crawl to the place you want to go! i crawled in 30 min to get a winchester... all you need is to be splinter cell.

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I would add that it's very easy to ditch zombies in buildings, and to look for a hatchet in industrial buildings or barns as your first weapon. It's silent and very easy to kill zombies with when you run into a building and they're forced to walk. Guns are loud and often not the best weapon choice when just getting rid of a few zombies on your tail so I'd recommend a hatchet over anything to begin with.

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