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Dead and staying dead

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I was recently shot and fell unconscious. I exited the game so that I could create a new character but instead went into another server where I then died. I tried to re spawn, but the re spawn button was not highlighted. So I exited again but went to another room and was dead. Every new server I log into I am dead. How do I fix this!? I am getting really frustrated with this game as I recently had just fell through a wall and died the day before. I know there are going to be errors in this game, but I am just getting frustrated and would like to play again with as little headache as possible. 



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Play on the other hive I guess.


I got no solution for yah.

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Yep, I've heard several people complaining about this. it happened to a buddy of mine tonight. He died, and no matter how many times he quit (even closing steam) and came back, he was still dead. changing severes did not fix it for him. I wonder if this gives a whole new meaning to perma-death.

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Ok, I have the same problem going on over here as well. I've tried changing my characters name then joining the server I died in to no success. I don't believe my DayZ addiction will let me wait til next wednesday or the wednesday after that to be able to play again. What will I do now Rocket?

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Solution is Dead Revive


Go server ---> DayZ GB  respawn revive ^^

Edited by Dracolife

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