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Sister Fister

Seattle 71 - Admin abuse, banning, and illegal weapons: With video

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He didn't say the car was full of gear, he said they were fully kitted out. As in, they all had rare weapons and such; this is pretty easy to tell when they're shooting at you.

You can tell they're teleporting around when you witness them repeatedly spawn on top of you.

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How long does it take to upload a stupid video? Not this long.

Unless its been edited to remove all the hacking that is. Upload 1 video start to finish with only sound mutes to hide the 'moles' voice

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Interesting how you left out the part of your video where you were instantly teleporting around the server in that red car with full kits of weapons and ammo.

Also' date=' the M107 and L85A2 are legacy weapons and of course you're going to find the odd weapon floating around... how is this hacking again? What's the point of this post?


As a neutral person who does not give a shit about the outcome of this quarrel: how could you possibly know his red car was full of gear or he was teleporting around the server? And no, that M107 in that movie is not legit.

If we were teleporting in vehicles why would we take a shit car, also we just DROVE there we followed your tracks by heading up north, protip don't barricade your roads it gives us a path to start out on.

Other videos of us are uploading

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It didn't really affect me since I just logged out once I saw them coming at me after they were teleporting. I see hackers on a server, i just move to one that doesn't have hackers on it. Just reporting that these guys are full of shit and can't even keep their own story straight.

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Also, I beleive all M107 TWS were removed out of players inventory at database level some time ago. I remember reading about this somewhere, but I'm not sure.

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Interesting how you left out the part of your video where you were instantly teleporting around the server in that red car with full kits of weapons and ammo.

Also' date=' the M107 and L85A2 are legacy weapons and of course you're going to find the odd weapon floating around... how is this hacking again? What's the point of this post?


As a neutral person who does not give a shit about the outcome of this quarrel: how could you possibly know his red car was full of gear or he was teleporting around the server? And no, that M107 in that movie is not legit.

If we were teleporting in vehicles why would we take a shit car, also we just DROVE there we followed your tracks by heading up north, protip don't barricade your roads it gives us a path to start out on.

Other videos of us are uploading

You followed our tracks?....really the tracks that don't render or show up on PAVED ROADS. We killed a few of you at our camp we had just set up then about 10 seconds later the same people we killed were back at the camp with NVG's and high end gear. We took us in whatever cars/trucks we could to get away and try save what we could. You guys spawned in front or behind us in a "crappy car" with gear.

You guys are awful lairs

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Interesting how you left out the part of your video where you were instantly teleporting around the server in that red car with full kits of weapons and ammo.

Also' date=' the M107 and L85A2 are legacy weapons and of course you're going to find the odd weapon floating around... how is this hacking again? What's the point of this post?


As a neutral person who does not give a shit about the outcome of this quarrel: how could you possibly know his red car was full of gear or he was teleporting around the server? And no, that M107 in that movie is not legit.

If we were teleporting in vehicles why would we take a shit car, also we just DROVE there we followed your tracks by heading up north, protip don't barricade your roads it gives us a path to start out on.

Other videos of us are uploading

You followed our tracks?....really the tracks that don't render or show up on PAVED ROADS. We killed a few of you at our camp we had just set up then about 10 seconds later the same people we killed were back at the camp with NVG's and high end gear. We took us in whatever cars/trucks we could to get away and try save what we could. You guys spawned in front or behind us in a "crappy car" with gear.

You guys are awful lairs


We followed the road up north and we found you, our team mates geared up on our server then we stole your car from your camp picked up our team mates then headed up north.

Also we fucking followed you as you can clearly tell in the video.

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I can't believe you are accusing us of teleporting, when your base contained over 6 M107 TWS'.

Sister is uploading a video of the raid now, just to show that we DROVE there.

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He didn't say the car was full of gear' date=' he said they were fully kitted out. As in, they all had rare weapons and such; this is pretty easy to tell when they're shooting at you.

You can tell they're teleporting around when you witness them repeatedly spawn on top of you.


As you've all seen this, it shouldn't be hard to put some proof here no? From what I see, the server admin is on your side so it shouldn't be hard for him to go through the logs. And I mean real proof, no copy paste.

Kinda looks like mudthrowing now, having your friends backing up your statements is hardly any proof. It's rather ridiculous (form both sides ;))

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I can't believe you are accusing us of teleporting' date=' when your base contained over 6 M107 TWS'.

Sister is uploading a video of the raid now, just to show that we DROVE there.


Number is now back down (or up can't keep track) to 6 M107 TWS's

Make a note here.

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Anyway, these guys were banned from the server; it can be seen on their video. There are only two reasons to ban, according to DayZ rules: hacking/abuse and racism/xenophobia.

Can you please provide some evidence for any of this?

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well rocket and mods seem to not give a shit about whats going on any more, hacks are back server admins are spawning and modding htere logs. DayZ is done for if this keeps up

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Unfortunatley I didn't feel like counting your TWS' at the time. That is an estimate.

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Unfortunatley I didn't feel like counting your TWS' at the time. That is an estimate.

yeah form 0-60 that's one hell of a range. We didn't have time to stop start up FRAPS and record these assholes while we were running from them sorry. As far as I know there are no logs that will show them hacking on the server.

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well rocket and mods seem to not give a shit about whats going on any more' date=' hacks are back server admins are spawning and modding htere logs. DayZ is done for if this keeps up


Atleast there's 1 smart person in this topic. This is what you get when the mainstreamers come and play.

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Greetings' date='

I participated in a raid against a group on the Seattle 71 sever. We raided them 2-3 times, each time hours apart, and each time they replenished their resources to the point of ridiculousness given the time frame.

Anyhow, while chasing down a bus we encountered this individual with a M107 TWS. This was not the only M107 TWS we encountered during our raiding, but the only one I have recorded (as we didn't know it was illegal at the time). The weapon is so powerful that it is extremely hard to combat and as a result it was removed (see link below). The sheer amount of M107 TWS they had is definitely of concern, and cannot be anything but hacking and exploiting. The individual within the video is [LLJK'] Balassvar, and the events took place on 6/22/12, at 3-4am EST.

Also, the next morning, I tried to enter Seattle 71, and found myself banned... For killing hackers... against all odds. It is odd that the admins are protecting hackers, and banning legitimate players.

Please take action. If you've any questions, please feel free to ask.


See 1:00 and 2:22 for the specifics.

M107 TWS removed:


Looked at your name, decided not to read post.

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well rocket and mods seem to not give a shit about whats going on any more' date=' hacks are back server admins are spawning and modding htere logs. DayZ is done for if this keeps up


Atleast there's 1 smart person in this topic. This is what you get when the mainstreamers come and play.

Nice hipster dayz post.

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It actually makes me smile watching you guys so blatantly lie without any proof that we teleported. As stated, a video is being uploaded of the raid.

Please please please, could you add some proof that we somehow teleported.

You guys are obviously butthurt because we raided your camp, you got raped, even with your thermal scopes. Instead of complaining about our imaginary hacks, why don't you actually upload some proof, or did you not think that would be a good idea at the time? You don't make any sense.

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well might as well join the masses and buy a server so i can spawn my self some fat lootz

You can't spawn loot as a server admin there is no way to do that. You can rent a server and find out if you want.

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You guys may have chased us (I didn't see any vehicles pursuing for at least 800m behind us as we drive on a paved road) from Kabanino to Grishino, but you spawned with the UAZ (red), all outside the car, as we drove through Kabanino when you killed the Hilux driver. You all had m107 TWS's and L85A2's, and I barrelled through trees with the V3S when you did it so you couldn't kill me. We had killed you several times, and repeatedly you reappeared conveniently behind us in an open plain as we were checking all around us.You can't keep your story's straight, the videos you're posting show you using the OMGHAX0RWEPONS (that actually are in the game) with no proof of you actually getting it from one of the accused.

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well might as well join the masses and buy a server so i can spawn my self some fat lootz

You can't spawn loot as a server admin there is no way to do that. You can rent a server and find out if you want.

log out near barracks restart the server and lock it for just few minutes and there you have every worthy item. only gps, I wanted a night vision oooohhh "restart again"... unlock the server and if anybody asks "we were testing a bug" - done. this is whats going on. you dont need to spawn loots they already spawn in certain areas.

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well might as well join the masses and buy a server so i can spawn my self some fat lootz

You can't spawn loot as a server admin there is no way to do that. You can rent a server and find out if you want.

log out near barracks restart the server and lock it for just few minutes and there you have every worthy item. only gps' date=' I wanted a night vision oooohhh "restart again"... unlock the server and if anybody asks "we were testing a bug" - done. this is whats going on. you dont need to spawn loots they already spawn in certain areas.


Well that's a real round about way of doing it. Why not just take it a step back and loot pile or sever hop it would be faster anyway.

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Interesting how you left out the part of your video where you were instantly teleporting around the server in that red car with full kits of weapons and ammo.

Also' date=' the M107 and L85A2 are legacy weapons and of course you're going to find the odd weapon floating around... how is this hacking again? What's the point of this post?


As a neutral person who does not give a shit about the outcome of this quarrel: how could you possibly now his red car was full of gear or he was teleporting around the server? And no that M107 in that movie is not legit.

yes it is "legit" you just can't get them anymore if you had one that's the last one your going to get.

No it was not legit. During the debug forest raid we killed whomever the bus driver was, you will see as i'm uploading the video. And then a few hours later he is fully geared with the same gun? How many M107 TWS's did he have? And where did he store exactly? So by your own logic, you sunk your cheating friend.

So now we are talking about 8-9 MW107 TWS's. 4 in the V3S at debug forest, 3-4 on the group who server jumped and killed with with the TWS's there, and 1 on your bus driver. All of them, to my knowledge destroyed between raids.

Nah, thats not suspect at all : sarcasm:.

Anyway' date=' these guys were banned from the server; it can be seen on their video. There are only two reasons to ban, according to DayZ rules: hacking/abuse and racism/xenophobia.

Can you please provide some evidence for any of this?


If memory serves me correctly, you can only ban for what we say in game, not in our vent.

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