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No Message Error

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Been receiving this error all day, with no avail I decided to start over with my install.

I am able to join games seemlessly, after 30 secs to 5 minutes I receive the no Message Error. Regardless of the various servers I log in to. I searched and most people believe its a "Server Issue", but obviously unless all the servers I am joining are crashing it sounds like an issue with my computer. So I am going to try to keep a running log of things I try to fix this issue. Maybe it will help another individual.


Fresh Copy of Arma II

Fresh Copy of Arma II OA

DayZ Installed via Six Launcher

Disabled Firewall (Just as a precaution)

Attempting to Run CO through Steam as another Option now


Reinstalling BattlEye now, starting Fresh

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The issue is definitely either with my Router or my Computer (Leaning towards Router). Just for shits decided to see if "No Message Received" me on Arma II or Arma II OA, and it did for BOTH. So I'm going to fiddle with my router settings next.

Eliminated some causes:

Not Steam

Not Arma II or Arma II OA

Not Arma Beta Patch

Not Six Launcher

Not DayZUpdater

Rebooted my Router with no successes. Couldn't find any special ports that needed to be open / that weren't Open. I am slowing starting to run out of ideas -_-

Just to Reclarify - No Message Received Error (After 15 secs - 1 min)

Attempts to Fix:

Fresh Installs of Both Games

Fresh Install of DayZ (via Six & DayZupdater)

Disabled Firewall to no effect that I can discern

Looking for any advise at this point.

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Sorry I forgot to update this. I did have success. My computer came installed with McAfee Security. It was interfering with my "disabled" firewall. I removed McAfee and its components, boom no more NME. :) Hope it helps

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