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Explain to me this. How is it better to add small things to the game before fixing major problems?

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Ok putting it simple mate:

Thoose making the art for new items, cannot wait for someone to come along and fix the code, they still need to work.

Thoose making the new code for new features, cannot wait for someone to come along and fix the old code, they need to keep working.

Thoose "repairing" the buggy code, are on it, but it takes 100 times as long to fix a code then actually writting it.

So basicly, you will get updates, with new content and new textures and what ever else, regardless of bugs or not.

Bugs will get fixed in due time, but we cannot halt the entire development, because Z's arent working yet, that would be downright foolish lol.


Can we PLEASE pin this response and avoid another one of these posts in the future lmao

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Call me insane, but I cannot understand for the life of me why they have spent so much time adding items and new features to the game but not updating the game breaking issues.


The zombies actually seem to have gotten even worse about walking directly through not only walls, but entire buildings.  It is so frustrrating to have a strategy about which weapon you want to use and how much time you have to prepare for an aggro'd zed only to find 2 of them are up your ass that appeared out of nowhere.


I heard Star Citizen only raised 25 million but they have 3 entire seperate offices of people working full time on the game.  What is the Dayz team doing with 30 million?


Think of it like this; They haven't even put everything they want into the game. The problem with fixing the game to be 100% playable now (it's not even a game, remember, it's early access Alpha we're play testing) is that once you start adding in things, the game potentially breaks again. So they would have to spend months on fixing stuff, add in something a week later and it would all break again. It's sort of like trying to put a roof on a house before you even put down the foundation.


Remember, game stability, optimization and fixing of glitches and bugs is a finishing touch step. You first have to get everything you want in the game and THEN make it work harmonously. If you try to do it backwards, you're going to constantly have to add, fix, add, fix, and then this game will be released in 7 years.

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