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[RELEASE] DayZ-Database-Manager v0.1.0

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(If some Admin/Mod is just going to remove this topic again, please send me a PM why you do that and where I should post it)


Hey guys,


I'm just passing through here to release my incompleted first version of Dayz-Database-Manager (works only with reality hives!). I started to develop it, because the hoster of our Clan's DayZ-Server had no useful integrated tools to edit the data in there.
I had to take a break because of university stuff and suddenly the Standalone has been released. And because I didn't want the program to be lost on my HDD (I spent so much time for it) I decided to complete the main functions and release it afterwards.

You can now edit:
- a survivors stats
- a survivors loadout
- a survivors worldspace (position on map)
- dead survivors entries
- a cars spawn-entries
- a cars stats/car-spawn-stats/car-instance stats
- the inventory of a car/car-instance

Things I'll maybe add in the next versions, if there are still many people using it:
- Add a car/car-spawn/car-instance
- Saving favourite inventories/loadouts and survivors (That you can set a simple loadout for a few
  players at one time - for server events or something like that)
- A whole new tab for adding/editing objects (like tents or buildings)
- some settings ;)










Note: You need JAVA to run this program on you Windows, MAC or Linux OS.


To get more informations about this application, you can visit this little page or read the README-file.


Have fun!


You can follow me on twitter: @amorpherCoder

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Sweet man. Great idea.. Makes it a lot easier then going through phpMyAdmin tables trying to modify stuff. Does it work with DayZ.st databases? Thanks.

Edited by cikez

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Sweet man. Great idea.. Makes it a lot easier then going through phpMyAdmin tables trying to modify stuff. Does it work with DayZ.st databases? Thanks.


Because of that I started to create this application =)...thanks!

I don't know if it's working with their database. If there are tables like "world_vehicle","vehicle_instance" etc it should be a reality-hive and shouldn't be a problem to manage that with my program ;)

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