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More weird/supernatural stuff

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Despite the fact that zombies are actually ghosts at the moment (lol walls are so overrated), I'd like to see super rare but super scary stuff happening in Day-Z.

Bring'em dem ghosts once in a while, scary radio signals, weird bloody cults, make Cheranus a Living Hell. Zombies doesn't mean zombies only. This game could use some Ancient Ones.

I'd love to be scared shitless at the very first whisper at night in the forest or in an abandonned building. Did a chair move? Wait... WHAT the hell?? Was that face I saw in a glimpse of my torchlight? Was it looking at me? Why does it stands still? Should I run? What the fuck, is it following me? Oh god please hel-

But really, make it rare, to make it gold. It doesn't even have to be lethal, just like spooky easter eggs in other games. And don't tell about all the events implemented. Make them cryptic.

Be that moment unique and be it a dare to click the log on button ever again. Ever. Again.

Edited by ploulaf
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To add more to it, would be great to see some body parts in the streets all over the map and some dead bodys about, to make the would fell like it is the end you know not just all clean, make us fell like some shit went down in the towns befor they turned into zombies

Edited by BigFrak
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+1 I've though ghosts at night would be AMAZING in this game.

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To add more to it, would be great to see some body parts in the streets all over the map and some dead bodys about, to make the would fell like it is the end you know not just all clean, make us fell like some shit went down in the towns befor they turned into zombies

Definitive yes.

The world is a bit too clean right now, after all it's the apocalypse, I'd like to see more visual proofs that things went apeshit.


Why not hanging bodies for example? Self-shot people on their rocking chair in the living room, just to get that lovely little feeling that there's no hope. (and a shotgun as loot, yay)

Edited by ploulaf

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There will be corpses lying around in the future buts thats all.

No ghosts... the fuc guys this is not Paranormal Activity or something. There was an accident or something, people got infected with some kind of virus or parasite or whatnot but thats about it. No gates of hell were opened, no aliens, no Smurfs.

More apocalyptic world? -Yes

Ghosts and moving chairs? - Nonono

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There will be corpses lying around in the future buts thats all.

No ghosts... the fuc guys this is not Paranormal Activity or something. There was an accident or something, people got infected with some kind of virus or parasite or whatnot but thats about it. No gates of hell were opened, no aliens, no Smurfs.

More apocalyptic world? -Yes

Ghosts and moving chairs? - Nonono

Well, even games that don't feature anything supernatural can have some creepy, unexplained stuff going on.

I don't mean stuff like that happening everywhere, we aren't playing F.E.A.R. 4

Just add a little spookyness to the game, could be just sounds, fog etc. even if it's just easter eggs I'll be fine. I'd just like a scarier atmosphere.

And "accident" can mean a lot of things, à la Stalker where there are space anomalies now & then. Why is it only humans that are zombified? Why not bears, wolves etc. ? Imagine the stress when you snipe well hidden in the forest, knowing that wild zombified animals can smell you?

At the moment, the only threat in the game are the players. Yes, zombies will get a lot more dangerous later, but it's kind of sad if they are the only Non-player ennemy here.


It's personal, but the virus/radioactive/chemical-infected zombie version always bugged me in movies. I'm 400% for the "dead raised from the underworld" or "oh shit, parallel dimension" themes.

Edited by ploulaf
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.....were opened, no aliens, no Smurfs.

Now all i can imagine are smurfs fucking shit up in Cheraurus. God damnit

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Now all i can imagine are smurfs fucking shit up in Cheraurus. God damnit

this needs to be a game.

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Love the idea of ghost/demonic presence at devil's castle (Now I know why it got that name!) or other castles, like the Rog etc.


Castles all around Europe and other places around the world are really haunted. You can feel it, hard to explain. 


Adding to the supernatural, I would love to see a gulag in the northern part of the map/on a snowy map. Those things must be filled with supernatural occurrences!

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Indeed this game needs more horror stuff like sounds of screaming and other creepy sounds. Im too used to those bunnies who sounds like zombies. Also strange shadows and fogs would be good too.

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It's dawn and up on the hill you see some thing you zoom in on it to see a black wolf with red eyes staring at you

you bring down the scope and its right there jumping at your face you react and its gone and now you need new pants.


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Despite the fact that zombies are actually ghosts at the moment (lol walls are so overrated), I'd like to see super rare but super scary stuff happening in Day-Z.

Bring'em dem ghosts once in a while, scary radio signals, weird bloody cults, make Cheranus a Living Hell. Zombies doesn't mean zombies only. This game could use some Ancient Ones.

I'd love to be scared shitless at the very first whisper at night in the forest or in an abandonned building. Did a chair move? Wait... WHAT the hell?? Was that face I saw in a glimpse of my torchlight? Was it looking at me? Why does it stands still? Should I run? What the fuck, is it following me? Oh god please hel-

But really, make it rare, to make it gold. It doesn't even have to be lethal, just like spooky easter eggs in other games. And don't tell about all the events implemented. Make them cryptic.

Be that moment unique and be it a dare to click the log on button ever again. Ever. Again.



I don't think this idea fits properly enough with this game to justify the resources to do it.

This same experience is brought about in DayZ by the presence of other players, and it seems more than ever they want to make you afraid of the other players. No sidechat, only direct comms. You know there's 40 other people in the server, but it seems like you're alone.

This would end up muddling up gameplay. You'd hear a weird sound and take it as a PvP cue et cetera.

So, no, I'm strongly against this being implemented in the game. This game isn't supposed to be like Amnesia DD and such, where there is no combat, and I don't think sheer horror games can ever mix with games that have combat.

Eventually you get good enough at the combat to not have to be scared.


And like that, in the system you suggest, it only has shock value.

"hey, the face is gunna spawn in your torchlight because blahblah and blahblah"


"oh i've never seen that before. wow there it is... that's not really scary."


"i know."


Addendum: I would like to see some "other threats" though. With the implementation of animals and hunting, perhaps we'll see hostile animals.

Avoiding the city to not have to risk the 200+ zombies inside? Going through the woods... watch for the bears.


Bottomline: To have to survive, there has to be something to survive against at all times. And if you're new and you don't know what to do, pretty much everything should kill you until you figure that shit out.

Edited by crimsonBZD

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I don't think this idea fits properly enough with this game to justify the resources to do it.

This same experience is brought about in DayZ by the presence of other players, and it seems more than ever they want to make you afraid of the other players. No sidechat, only direct comms. You know there's 40 other people in the server, but it seems like you're alone.

This would end up muddling up gameplay. You'd hear a weird sound and take it as a PvP cue et cetera.

So, no, I'm strongly against this being implemented in the game. This game isn't supposed to be like Amnesia DD and such, where there is no combat, and I don't think sheer horror games can ever mix with games that have combat.

Eventually you get good enough at the combat to not have to be scared.


And like that, in the system you suggest, it only has shock value.

"hey, the face is gunna spawn in your torchlight because blahblah and blahblah"


"oh i've never seen that before. wow there it is... that's not really scary."


"i know."


Addendum: I would like to see some "other threats" though. With the implementation of animals and hunting, perhaps we'll see hostile animals.

Avoiding the city to not have to risk the 200+ zombies inside? Going through the woods... watch for the bears.


Bottomline: To have to survive, there has to be something to survive against at all times. And if you're new and you don't know what to do, pretty much everything should kill you until you figure that shit out.

Just have a read at the urban legends topic to see it could be fun :D


Yup, other threads like wild animals is a must have for me also.

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It's dawn and up on the hill you see some thing you zoom in on it to see a black wolf with red eyes staring at you

you bring down the scope and its right there jumping at your face you react and its gone and now you need new pants.

Nope. Jump scares suck, it have to be subtle I think.

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I loved in the mod how long zombie and player bodies stayed..with the flies buzzing. was great atmosphere.

I'm pretty sure they'll implement this when they can

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