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Character development and passive skills

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Just thought of a cool idea to make people care more for their characters and it is:


Character development,


For example, you would have passive skills like, stamina, resistance, running speed etc.


As you play along and use these passive abilities, they increase and eventually you get them maxed out.


So say at first you're slow and get tired very quickly, but as you play  and "survive", you run and run so much that now after a while you can run faster and further without panting like a b!tch or resting (example).


This could apply to other things like repairing your weapon, vehicle, opening cans, aiming, zooming etc. (whatever you can think and is appropriate).


Now I am not sure what effect that would have on KoS as I have no empirical evidence BUT my predictions are that, you would get more KoS in high traffic areas, military bases etc. (people just don't want to die, but on the other hand you have that now anyway). So you would have more stealthy play, sneaking around etc. and so this would (maybe?) make less people go on the coast, run along the coast line and shoot everybody - as you expose your character too much?. I don't know, it's something to be figured out but I believe that it would be an awesome addition.

Edited by Miquinei

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There are fourms alrdy on this i think its a good idea but be rdy for the neg post to come lol

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Please use the SEARCH function on the top right corner before making a thread with things already discussed and proposed several times. It`s really not that hard.


And on topic. NO!

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Your avatar is as intelligent as it can be. No need for passive skills. He will do the stuff and craft and fix and shoot, as long as you play it doing that stuff.

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Your avatar is as intelligent as it can be. No need for passive skills. He will do the stuff and craft and fix and shoot, as long as you play it doing that stuff.


What does my gravatar has to do with anything?


Any argument against passive skills? I mean, character development is a feature that (imo) needs to be implemented so that people "care" more for their lives and don't play as if it was CoD/BF4 arcade? 

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What does my gravatar has to do with anything?


Any argument against passive skills? I mean, character development is a feature that (imo) needs to be implemented so that people "care" more for their lives and don't play as if it was CoD/BF4 arcade? 

they could add achievemnts like "survive 2 weeks" or "kill 10000 zombies" and shit to encourage a more friendly co-op survival expierence. Achievements like "kill 10 player" shouldn't be implemented. That way we'll care for our character and try to actually survive. Right now if I get to damaged by something I just let myself die and start fresh new. Getting geared isn't hard at all

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I am definitely for character development. They could add something similiar to stats from GTA San Andreas.

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I'm with the OP one passive skills as long as they are subtle, implicit and limited in scope, but has been discussed/suggested a lot.

As for 'maxing out' I think endurance etc should depend on nutritional status and physical activity. For example, while you are well fed your endurance improves (as you have sufficient nutrients to adapt your skeletal muscle and cardiovascular system) but should start reducing if you are not getting enough protein and/or calories (as you break down muscle protein via gluconeogenesis to provide glucose).

Edited by Roshi

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I'm with the OP one passive skills as long as they are subtle, implicit and limited in scope, but has been discussed/suggested a lot.

As for 'maxing out' I think endurance etc should depend on nutritional status and physical activity. For example, while you are well fed your endurance improves (as you have sufficient nutrients to adapt your skeletal muscle and cardiovascular system) but should start reducing if you are not getting enough protein and/or calories (as you break down muscle protein via gluconeogenesis to provide glucose).


Sounds awesome, would be awesome to have (...) say for resistance, if you take too many antibiotics or certain drug, your body will say periodically heal your status/condition but in the long run you would be more vulnerable so that you need to have this healthy balance (just an example, but you get the idea)

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The skill should progress in such a way that it would be hard to grind it. For example stamina shouldn't increase only by running. It could increase only when running on HEALTHY status. That way your character could have a passive progression, player wouldn't do it on purpose. In time, the character would become a little stronger than a bambie, which will be valuable, especially when someone survived long enough.

Edited by fisheye

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Let's agree, that we need some sort of character development that will increase value of life and make you think twice about respawning because "What the hack, gearing up is easy".

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