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Synchronized day & night cycle on every available public server + zombie behaviour throughout day and night

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Just a suggestion, how about there is a synchronized day and night cycle on all public servers BUT in ratio 2:1, 3:1 so that say Day lasts for 6 hours and night for 2.


Additionally, zombies could go like this: throughout the day they are slower and less aggressive (your traditional zombies) and during the night they would go absolutely mental and have increased speed, population, line of sight, aggro range. They would be attracted by light, movement and sounds (gun shots).


It would give this awesome (imo) mechanic that you scavenge throughout the day and gear up in order to survive the night. 


Why do I want to force night on people? Because it is much harder to play during the night and so most just avoid night time servers. I know it's kinda like force feeding but say private hives could have their own settings etc. 


Either way, just thought I would drop this suggestion. 

Edited by Miquinei

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Many fear the dark.


A ratio of day/night should be a server admin decision, but I agree that the cycle MUST exist, even if 1:12 at the low extreme.

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I don't want to be forced to play at night until it's made manageable to see at night, currently liking the brighter nights though, if you see there's still plenty of people on night servers even though day/night is desynchronized

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I don't want to be forced to play at night until it's made manageable to see at night, currently liking the brighter nights though, if you see there's still plenty of people on night servers even though day/night is desynchronized

What's the point of flash lights and other things if you can see at night? 

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I used to live on a farm and during a full moon you could read a book by the moonlight, very bright. Overcast and no moon I could see reasonably well after my eyes adjusted (30 min), enough to go for a walk. I assume different parts of the world have darker nights so what I have experienced is probably not what everyone has.


Dayz night time is too dark compared to what im used to, it makes it unplayable. If you use a torch it shines straight through the walls and attracts every bandit in the area. To play in the dark you are forced to gamma exploit which is oh so cheap. If nights were not blindingly inky dark and gamma exploit was not possible i would welcome the night, it would make for fun gameplay.

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the flashlights in this engine are horrible and focus light in a perfect circle with barely and light dispersion.  we are forced to play in a pinhole. 

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