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is there AA-12 in dayz ?

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buddy of mine killed a guy with a truck today and he found aa-12 from the corpse. just wondering if its in the game since the dayz wiki doesnt say it is. or was it some sort of hacked item ?

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I saw pictures in die gallery from a player who showed his aa-12 (Thread was called "how well are you equiped?"

Would like to know if someone can approve that is is hacked.

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I saw pictures in die gallery from a player who showed his aa-12 (Thread was called "how well are you equiped?"

Would like to know if someone can approve that is is hacked.

would be nice to know if its really in the game or somehow the guy hacked the item. me and the buddy + rest of our clan have been wondering that where the hell do these car gangs get all the stuff. the server we play in there is some group of maybe 7 peoples and they have several trucks, atv , some offroad car and they have my tractor now that i stole from them in first place.

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every other dayZ player i asked about that is the aa-12 in the game or not, they say no. wouldnt be surprised if it was a hacked item. my clan leader was shot at with rockets today from a hacker jetplane.

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Today i found a M4 + Holo + Silencer that had a Desert camo on it.

Its not on the DayZ Wiki too.

I found in the floor in the NWAF barracks, it cant be hacked since it was on the floor with 2-3 mags like every other weapon.

Rocket might have added a few different weapons.

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It's pretty mixed up... Some people said it was in the tier system/loot system... while some people say it's damn near impossible to find.

No idea.

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Double barreled shotgun was on the wiki within an hour after it was added (if not within minutes).

If it's not in the wiki, don't pick it up and, whatever you do, don't log out with the thing in your inventory if you do pick it up.

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Double barreled shotgun was on the wiki within an hour after it was added (if not within minutes).

If it's not in the wiki' date=' don't pick it up and, whatever you do, don't log out with the thing in your inventory if you do pick it up.


shiit my buddy already looted it and he logged out :s

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Didn't realize it had a m203 on it, don't see one in wiki that has silencer +203

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No, dude.

That one has Woodland camo, a Holo sight and no silencer.

Mine has desert camo, red dot sight and a silencer.

It's not on the Wiki, that's why i'm afraid it's a hacked item. If it is a hacked item i will despawn it through the rearm bug.

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