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Inconspicuous Death

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Before I start, I know it's alpha and I'm still loving it but an incident earlier really annoyed me.

Me and a buddy made our way to the Balota airstrip and went into the first prison building. My buddy checked upstairs while I scouted the ground floor.

Unfortunately he lagged out upstairs so I climbed the stairs and sat at the top of them, waiting for him to return when suddenly I die.

There was no gun shot sound and nobody in the building. I wasn't even moving and was crouched so I have literally no idea how I died. Was this just some sort of unfortunate bug? Or was it a hack of some sort? Can admins 'kill' players?

As I said, still loving the game and managed to gear up pretty quickly but was extremely strange and a time waster!

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It was a common theme in the mod that if you died from a sniper one shot kill, you didn't hear the bullet just fell over dead. Bullet travels faster than sound or something blah blah blah.

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I seriously doubt it was a bullet. I was crouched so I'm pretty sure I wasn't visible unless the wall glitched or something. Also, my buddy logged back in very shortly after and didn't see anyone - very bizarre.

I may file a bug report, just wanted to see if anybody else had experienced something similar.

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I couldnt say whether or not you would be visible as I dont sit atop the ATC but maybe someone else may be able to insect and give that info. I've had similar deaths occur all explainable once i'd watched the recorded footage back or spoken to someone who was in the area. Ive taken no immediate fall damage when falling from the hospital roof only to drop dead 10 minutes later, walked into the wall of the camo buidling and died instantly, climbed a ladder and dropped dead, been running up the coast and suddendly died, only to be told I was still standing in a position that I had left 5 mins earlier and someone had planted a splitting axe in my face (Desync Im guessing). Have a search in the bug reports to see if anyone has reported something similar before you post it and upvote if it is the same as yours. Otherwise report it if you feel the need to.

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I seriously doubt it was a bullet. I was crouched so I'm pretty sure I wasn't visible unless the wall glitched or something. Also, my buddy logged back in very shortly after and didn't see anyone - very bizarre.

I may file a bug report, just wanted to see if anybody else had experienced something similar.


Actually I did, I was sitting duck in the jail building and all of a sudden "You are dead!". No idea what happened, but I quickly respawned and started punching things and faces. 

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