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oxymoron (DayZ)

suggestions on multiple topics

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here are some simple suggestions i thought about and think they could be really good for the game.



1. i think the new logging system is shit. making you unable to move/act anymore if you click log out is just retarded. think about you log off in an area where you THINK you are safe but then a player pops up at the horizon and just farms you because you are unable to move/react. im not talking about combat log especially.

you should be able to exit the log out timer and your characters paralysis if you move, pull out a weaon or interact with items, furthermore you should be able to look around with your camera and move items in your inventory. also the timer should be 60 seconds and the character enters this F3 sitting/resting stance.


2. 3PP should be removed



4. day night cycles. make a whole cycle shorter, like 32 hours ingame are 48 reality hours, so if you log on you always get a different daytime. this would add a lot of more variety into the game. the night should be brighter, right now its just fucking dark, way too dark. brighten it up a bit by making the moon and stars shine more. incluiding abusing gamma fix


4.''telescope'' eyes. replace that crazy zoom -right mouse click- with binoculars, right now it makes me feel like a robocop and is also abusive as fuck


5.sprinting, im talking about double tap W with or without fists up. limit the time you are sprinting like 20 seconds sprinting, then a regeneration time where you are only able to run normal or walk. it will make the world feel so much bigger and realistic. once vehicles are in there should also be a proper weight/energy system.


6. zombies. make them way more dangerous, but not more in numbers. then, if they hear a shot in a city they all run in the roundabout direction, for a good time, where the shot came from. this will make the player be more careful with guns in cities and affect the annoying pvp kos everybody is doing. you will think twice if you want to shoot someone by risking a bunch of zombies chasing you and rather interact with the player. ammo should be more rare


7.server changing. im not sure if this could work. but could it be possible that if you change a server(not relogging, or after a dc/freeze) you spawn in a spawning zone in the middle of nowhere, fairly away from everything, but not too far away. currently thinking about black forrest or the area north to kamyshowo. there are also a lot of trees to avoid getting camped too easy when changing servers. once every 30 min you should be able to log into another server without getting spawned in this zone, also if you join a friends server but only if you are close to him.


8. character. make him more worth, like if you sprint a lot, he can sprint slightly longer, if he is starving long times, he should be able to survive longer without food and so on. not huge gamebraking effects but good enough to make them noticeable



Edited by oxymoron

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1. I think the new logging system is amazing. I have always suggested to do it like MMORPG's and they have done it. It is by far the best system in my opinion. Some mods like Origins had this implemented, when you log out, your character would stay in a long animation before actually disappearing and if you saw people in that animation, you knew they logged out and you can access their gear, or kill them. Worked great. In SA they haven't mentioned that you can't move while logging out, I think you will already do the Sit animation while the timer is up, but I'm pretty sure that you will be able to cancel it if you hear shots or something, like the 30 sec timer to log out in the mod before you could click the "Abort" button. And if you get shot or something, well then it wasn't a really safe spot to log out, this has never happened to me with similar logging systems.


2. I hate 3PP, but most of DayZ players play it, its a thing of preference and even though I don't like it, it doesn't affect me. Just play a Hardcore server. No need to take it away from people who like it.


3. I like that idea. I always used to play at night time, so in game was always night. I didn't mind it, we became night watchers, but yeah it would be nice to see the day sometime also, and that math is pretty good. However day/night cycles can probably be controlled by the server, so you would have to suggest it on whichever server you play if it doesn't make a standard.


4. I was just thinking about this yesterday! Its true in a way, however the zooming in represents you squinting your eyes to see better when you look far away, the negative part is you have less field of view, but how I think it may work is to keep the zoom (world is very bog you need it), but give it a timer, for example 10 seconds and then a cool down of 30 or something like that, that way people are not just camping in zoom the whole time. And maybe if you want to keep zooming after 10 seconds you can, but your vision will start blurring slowly to a certain point and then you have to wait a bit more for it to come back, this would be awesome I think.


5. Yeah the sprinting right now is a bit unbalanced, but mainly because the stamina system is not implemented yet. We will probably see this further on. But yeah, you shouldn't be able to sprint forever and it should wear you out a lot, heavy breathing, and make you walk if you push it too long. But make it balanced also for player that are trying to run away of someone chasing them with a gun. It is good to have a fair running advantage if you have no weapon and someone is running behind you with one.


6. Agree completely, however zombies is not something you can judge very much now as they still need lots of work, but we still need more, the mod had a good amount in my opinion, making them dangerous is the other part, not necessarily dangerous because of the amount, thats right. But make them chase you more for noises or if they see you and things like that. Because right now they are way slower than the mod, its easy to run away and you can't hide under pines and things like that for them to not hit you, so I think they are heading in a good direction at least.


Ammo should be waaay more rare, and that should be a must. Right now I have to drop ammo because I have more than I would ever shoot, I think magazines should always spawn empty, and bullets should be a different spawn, and they spawn in different numbers, so instead of finding a magazine of 30 bullets, you would have to find a magazine first, and then find piles of bullets from 1 bullets to 30, or limit it to maximum to find 10, and then load them in the magazine, or if you don't have a magazine you would have to load them manually one by one. This would make a humongous change in the gameplay. No more baddies spamming a gun, every bullet should count.


7. They already have a system for server hopping, but teleporting to a different location I don't think is a good idea at all. You should know where you are logging out. Logging in a random location is kind of immersion breaking, and people would probably end up using it for transportation or escaping something.


8. I think they want to add more progression stuff so your character is more worth it. This is a good idea because it would make people yolo less as they would have more to lose than just what they are carrying. But this will probably be further into the development.



Well, those are my thoughts, not everyone would agree, but I think its pretty fair.

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