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Australian Server #GX [AU]Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb.

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Hi guys

Just dropping a line to advertise our server in Australia.
This server has been up and running now for over 7 months and has a good player base, we are looking for more Bandits to play here.. 
if you are a hero, you are also more then welcome to call it home.

This server will be around for many more months to come, We have many US players who join as well. 

We have very active Admins around the clock who are more the happy to help.

This server is hosted in Australia 
DDOS protection
SSD Driver 
4 hour Restarts 
1 hour backups 

This server will be around for a long time we have no plans to close it down anytime soon

the server is run by Clan ubik www.clanubik.com

FaceBook Page: http://www.facebook.com/DrBloodmoney...iginsAustralia

server details are: Official DayZ Origins #GX [AU]Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb.

IP Address - DayZ Server in Australia.

Teamspeak IP

you can also email me with any questions or ideas for the server at [email protected]

Cheers  :D

Edited by ubikPainKiller

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Just updated the ip for the server


Cheers Guys 

Edited by ubikPainKiller

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