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Hacks in Action

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This is still happening today. The streamer keep changing server and this "devboss" find a way to always follow him.

And Ikilltrolls, now I'm not sure if you are trolling or just being stupid. If you aren't trolling, you really need to work on your reading comprehension.

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Yes, the hacker is now making it impossible for Kai to actually play. He just took complete control of Kai's character. Just out of hand.

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kai isnt actually a part with the hacker, the hacker is actually stalking him hes not exactly getting anything from it apart from a few weird shit spawn infront of his eyes which doesnt effect his character in anyway so its pretty much the hacker is stalking him he has told him he wants to stream and play games normally but he doesnt seem to take no as an answer soo he cant much about it so just saying this because i have been watching alot of qnomnikais stream so theres my point of view of it/alot of other peoples too.

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This guy (the hacker not Kai) can change his character into a dog or zombie and run around with their animations. He also spawns vehicles and fly/drives them around.

Script detection fail or maybe he really is a member of the dev. team.

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Kai, ISNT a hacker, this 'hacker' follows him everywhere, he must have his IP or some shit. Stop making fucking threads about this shit because Kai hasn't taken part in ANY hackings.

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The real problem here: The streamer is openly supporting the person being around them. He claimed he doesn't know the guy, but then stated that the guy is always around and people mentioned he has been in videos of the streamer before.

TLDR: He is openly condoning not only people cheating but playing with a cheater and not doing what he should to stop it, or report the person as he should.

Don't defend him for that.

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The real problem here: The streamer is openly supporting the person being around them. He claimed he doesn't know the guy' date=' but then stated that the guy is always around and people mentioned he has been in videos of the streamer before.

TLDR: He is openly condoning not only people cheating but playing with a cheater and not doing what he should to stop it, or report the person as he should.

Don't defend him for that.



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^Except he's not supporting it and you have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry but he just explained the whole situation in his stream before you made your post, maybe get more info before you reply (maybe watch the stream for more than 5mins?), thank you.

TLDR: No he does not condone it.

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Hello guys, I am one of Kai's mods in his stream. I started watching him about four days ago, and later on that stream, the hacking started. First, he lost his items he acquired (legally) to a bug (perhaps?). Later on, he had switching servers and spawned with different items than what he had before he switched. Each spawn afterwards, he acquired different items.

While this was happening, a viewer by the name of 'Devboss' appeared into the chat and claimed that he was doing this. Kai decided to test the guy out and it basically proved that the mysterious viewer was the hacker.

The next day, 'Devboss' did not appear in the chat during Kai's next stream, however the hacking continued. The same happened the third day, when I was finally made a mod. During that stream, the hacker decided to become an un-killable character. Thus, which led everyone in the stream to call him 'God'. 'God' did a lot of crazy stuff during the whole thing, and while Kai seemed excited to see all this stuff happen, he expressed later that he felt uncomfortable during this. I have screen capped a few moments during which the hacker 'God' had intervened, along with the chat on the side of the video in which Kai has expressed his concern for the matter.

I understand that it might seem like its some sort of a 'showboat' or anything like that, but I can assure you that it isn't anything of that nature. Kai has NOT condone any of these actions that the hacker has done, even if he have expressed awe or even used some of the items that the hacker spawned. Afterwards, Kai would make his character commit suicide and change to a different server so he wouldn't use those items to his advantage against other players and such.

Kai has expressed several times that he wants to play the game as intended and that he wants the hacker to leave him alone, however the hacker fails to understand that at all.

If you view his past streams, you can see what the hacker has done to disrupt the regular gameplay and all.

It's just that a lot of negative controversy has arisen every since this has happened, and it has gotten out of hand really.

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I'm another mod from Kai's stream. Kai's mentioned that he is willing to work with the DayZ staff/developers to catch this hacker.

It would seem that this hacker knows how to get Kai's GUID and follow him around to different servers since Kai hides the debug window and his name, and when changing servers, brings up a changing server picture so no one can see where he is going to.

If a DayZ mod/dev wishes to contact him so that they can set this up, he is totally willing. He above all others would love to play the game as intended without the constant stalking and interruptions. As amusing as some of the things the hacker does are, it interrupts the game and the stream.

As posted in this thread, you can contact Kai via his twitch stream: http://www.twitch.tv/qnomnikai

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Too the people on this thread saying kai deserves a ban he isnt using the hacks a hacker going by he name of "Dev" is running around using the hacks kai has not asked the hacker to give him items the hacker is just following them around using the hacks stated kai doesnt deserve a ban the actual hacker does

False, this happened 2 days ago as well (i've opened a thread about it), and Kai asked him (devboss) the gear .. it was the M4 CCO if i'm not wrong.. and some other things.

He had to logout and login each time to have the hacked gear... so you can't say he was doing it "unintentionally".

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Too the people on this thread saying kai deserves a ban he isnt using the hacks a hacker going by he name of "Dev" is running around using the hacks kai has not asked the hacker to give him items the hacker is just following them around using the hacks stated kai doesnt deserve a ban the actual hacker does

False' date=' this happened 2 days ago as well (i've opened a thread about it), and Kai asked him (devboss) the gear .. it was the M4 CCO if i'm not wrong.. and some other things.

He had to logout and login each time to have the hacked gear... so you can't say he was doing it "unintentionally".


Like I said in my previous post, he was testing the guy out to see if he was the hacker. Of course Kai shouldn't have asked for those things, I warned him in chat during the whole fiasco and he said that he wasn't going to keep those items. He never had a chance to use the hacked items, and he said that he didn't want to get banned, which is why he made his character commit suicide afterwards.

If I'm not mistaken, Kai actually thought that the guy was an actual developer of the game...until one of the people in the chat had linked a forum post from here saying that devs do not have the ability to spawn in items....

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How about just stopping the stream if the hacker shows up? oO

Don't act like it's hard to avoid that shit.

Turn off the stream, don't offer him a platform, situation most likely fixed.

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Kai should NOT have to stop streaming just because of a hacker showing up.


That'll solve everything. Let's stop the stream and have no DayZ stream and no viewers. Great job.

You're a genius.


How about the DayZ staff/devs/mod either help by coming to track this hacker so Kai can get on with playing DayZ without being stalked by him/her, or if they're not going to act in that regard, then put an end to stupid threads like this one running Kai down by locking them.

Defamation of character, ever heard of it? Well at some point, if the negative threads posted about Kai aren't kept under control, locked, stopped, or deleted, ...then one starts becoming dangerously close to crossing into that realm and defaming them.

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