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Hacks in Action

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Streamer, running with a hacker. Live in action rightnow. Have a look at all the crazy crap this guy is doing:


*** The streamer is not the one hacking. A hacker has been watching his stream and found him in game. He calls himself God or Devboss. He follows the streamer around and hacks things for him. Things like, items, vehicles, aircraft... I just watched him spawn ArmA2 NPCs - a jogger and an office worker.

It's fricken crazy what this guy can do.

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And the broadcaster has been using these things? He deserves a ban just as much as the hacker.

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Yes and no. I would leave the who deserves to get banned up to the people who run the game. The stuff this guy is doing, though, is just crazy. Teleporting. Any item he needs - bam there it is. And the stream itself, because of all this, is really doing a good job of NOT showing people what DayZ is.

The streamer gained 1k followers in a week streaming DayZ and now what people are seeing is this crazy hacking crap.

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Too the people on this thread saying kai deserves a ban he isnt using the hacks a hacker going by he name of "Dev" is running around using the hacks kai has not asked the hacker to give him items the hacker is just following them around using the hacks stated kai doesnt deserve a ban the actual hacker does

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I have been watching this streamer for a week and he is legit.

I'm pretty sure you can't be banned for hacks just because a hacker is following you around, he hasn't used any of the loot or vehicles to his advantage or against other players.

But I guess some people just have to cry about something.

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Kai just went along so the hacker wouldn't kill them repeatedly and ruin the stream.

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Kai shouldnt be banned, he isnt asking for anything and he isnt using the spawned items to kill or mess with anyone else on the server. Hes just riding around having some laughs. I may be wrong but i think the "hacker" is part of the dev team, hes going by the name devboss and he has said that he can control the servers involved with banning ppl or something of the sort. I say as long as they arent using the spawned items to negatively affect anyone elses game experience its fine. they are just having some laughs

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Ok First Of All He Had Alot Of Follower Before The Hacker Came Along. Second Yall Need To Get A Life And Stop Trolling. There Was A Hacker An He Was In The Same Game. Holy Crap Lets Lock Him Up, Really Come On Now.

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EliJRn why do i feel youre a little jelly. Youre just a frustrated kid , if you were in kai place i think youd probably start asking for everything from that "hacker" , so yeah jelly people nvm.

Back to the important stuff , kai didn't ask for anything from that hacker , the hacker followed him so...i dont see the problem? its not people fault that the devs cant keep there game secured. + He has proof he never asked for sht.

Sry for my bad english i hope some of you will understand what i said.Thanx for listening

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Haha, this is hilarious. The game is in alpha, if you care stop getting butthurt. unfollow, and cry in a corner.

the fact of the matter is this. He wanted to have some fun with his viewers, so he gave the server and is showing his name. The hacker then showed up and made it a little more interesting; Kai did not ask for anything. Therefore he did not want a hacker, or hacked items. Now, the hacker is stalking him whether he likes it or not. Keep in mind, his stream has brought alot of people to the Dayz community, along with puddn's stream, and lirakk's. So, banning him would not only be stupid for DayZ but also wrong and unfit.

Now if your still butthurt, then hit ctrl + alt + del select turn off computer; and go to law school where your complaining can actually get you a job.

- good luck

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1. This is not the first time Kai and friends have played with "God"/"Devboss". Check his VODs.

2. I do not believe Kai deserves a ban.

3. I believe the dev team needs to find out how the hacker is doing what he is doing and figure out how to stop it.

4. I think Kai needs to get back to playing the game as the game. That's why people are watching him stream. He absolutely CAN get away from the hacker. He has done it before.

Clear? Good.

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1. This is not the first time Kai and friends have played with "God"/"Devboss". Check his VODs.

2. I do not believe Kai deserves a ban.

3. I believe the dev team needs to find out how the hacker is doing what he is doing and figure out how to stop it.

4. I think Kai needs to get back to playing the game as the game. That's why people are watching him stream. He absolutely CAN get away from the hacker. He has done it before.

Clear? Good.

Why are you whining so hard about this? Do you run to the police when someone jaywalks? Chill out and if you dont like the content in the stream, move along.

also, this is the first time anyone named devboss has showed up in his stream. He has seen a few hackers during his streams but none have been called devboss. Also i think you need to be reminded that this game is still in the making, the dev team cant just snap their fingers and fix all their problems. plus they are making this mod for free, they aren't making money off it so dev wont be as quick as you may assume. there is no reason for you to spend your time whining about this stupid stuff.

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1. He does not "play" with him, he shows up.

2. Then why did you create this thread?!

3. It is in alpha chill the hell out

4. So, your saying that he can no longer have fun with his viewers?

also, (directed towards hatersalwayshatin) this is not the first instance and i doubt it will be the last. But there is nothing Kai can do.

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1. He does not "play" with him' date=' he shows up.

2. Then why did you create this thread?!

3. It is in alpha chill the hell out

4. So, your saying that he can no longer have fun with his viewers?

also, (directed towards hatersalwayshatin) this is not the first instance and i doubt it will be the last. But there is nothing Kai can do.


Devboss has shown up before? I must have missed that, but it is also possible that the previous hackers could have all been the same person too. either way though i agree, kai cant do anything about it. even if he moved to other servers they would just follow

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exactly, inless he overlays. but in the end he wont get ban and if he does devboss will just keep unbanning

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1. This is not the first time Kai and friends have played with "God"/"Devboss". Check his VODs.

2. I do not believe Kai deserves a ban.

3. I believe the dev team needs to find out how the hacker is doing what he is doing and figure out how to stop it.

4. I think Kai needs to get back to playing the game as the game. That's why people are watching him stream. He absolutely CAN get away from the hacker. He has done it before.

Clear? Good.

Apparently not clear enough. Those guys are dense...

This thread is not about the streamer, it's about that devboss guy. If you like Kai and want to defend him that's cool, but saying cheats/hacks doesn't matter "cause it's only an alpha" is plain retarded.

I dont know if this "devboss" is a hacker or part of the dev team, but either way he needs to be stopped.

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saying its in alpha is "retarded"? you don't know what it means to be in alpha then here you go.

being in alpha stage and beta stage, means its a work in progress. not everything is final and not everything can be fixed. even when games are released patches still make everything not final.

so don't say people are "retarded" just because you don"t know the meaning of alpha. "cheats/hacks" will be fixed as the dev's see fit.

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Catching hackers and figuring out how to stop them from being able to hack in alpha is good. Yes. Exactly.

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Hackers in alpha are good, they're exploiting the system now so that devs can find the way they exploit things and fix it so that it doesn't happen later.

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Ok First Of All He Had Alot Of Follower Before The Hacker Came Along. Second Yall Need To Get A Life And Stop Trolling. There Was A Hacker An He Was In The Same Game. Holy Crap Lets Lock Him Up' date=' Really Come On Now.


Whats With Using A Capital Letter For Every Single Word In Your Post? You Know That A Capital Letter Is Typically Reserved For The Beginning Of A Sentence Right?

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