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Busted helmet

Iridium Gaming Looking For Epoch Staff And Players

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Iridium Gaming | Epoch Chernarus | Heavy Armor Vehicles | Self BB | Tow/Lift | Auto Refuel | Bandit/Hero Ai's | Player Benefits | Friendly Staff | SurvivalServers.com 


We are looking for new players and a big list of staff (support, admin, mod, head mod, Supervisor, Co-Owner, ect) to celebrate our opening we are giving lockable M2 Machine gun strikers out to the first few players, the strikers will be equipped with needed starting supplies (1 briefcase full, Chainsaw, chainsaw gas, two combo locks, and one AR or LMG with ammo of your choosing. and to all who join today get a Vehicle and five 10.oz gold.


We hope to see you on our server!                                           ~BustedHelmet                        Ip:

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Im Interested in Helping ya out with the server :D I got Skype if ya wanna talk or TeamSpeak

Edited by Mattman889

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