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Finally found a guy who refused to combat log.

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So totoday me and some other guys were holding up a freshspawn in the office building of elektro. The original plan was to take him In the building, question him, then give him water and send him on his way. We all made an agreement to not kill any freshspawns while we were there. So we brough him into the building and asked him his name. This is when he started being a little shady. First he asked us why we wanted to know, then we figured out his clan tag matched another guy in the game's clan tag. We began to interrigate him on that, and he denied knowong where the guy was, but also said he wasn't in elektro with us. He refused to tell us what we wanted, so we ended up holding thr guy hostage for over an hour. We saw multiple people outside, and this interupted us a lot. He didn't log and sat through all of this. In the end after the extremely long wait, we were forced to exicute the hostage because he wasn't answering our questions and was lying, and our building had been breached by 2-3 hostiles, which killed all but two of us. After the exent it looked like some sort ofmassacre had taken place, with bodies lying everywhere.

Edited by kg360

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Good on him, although it seems he was staying in to provide intel for his friends. I had a situation like this the other day.

Me and a friend were heading south from Svetloyarsk to Rify. As we were coming to the back of the hill that overlooks the ship, we heard gunfire and went to investigate. My friend decided to flank up the hill towards the ocean side with his M4 and took shots. I took a burst of M4 rounds to my tree cover, and fired a few magnums at the muzzle smoke on top of the hill. Everything went quiet for a while, and we moved onto the hill to search. We couldn't find anyone (they may have ghosted), so we ran back towards the road and took fire again. I kept watching with my Mosin, and my buddy flanked to the right to the beach.

This is when he freaked out, and I asked him what was wrong. A guy had popped out and held him up, and told him to drop his gun. He did so, and asked me to come and help. They had a conversation about their squad taking fire from the ship, and he told them truthfully that we weren't a part of that group, we came from Svetlo, heard shots and came to check it out and we were fired on. At this point the guy tells my buddy that they can see me moving up, and instructs him to tell me to stop. I do so.

Despite the extreme stress of having your buddy at gunpoint, and 2-3 enemies that can see you that you can't see. Logging didn't come into my mind. They instructed me to drop my weapon and come out. It seemed it was a misunderstanding, and it would be my preference that all of us walk away with our lives, but I wasn't going to come out, leaving my weapons on the floor and give them no reason not to execute us. I replied (through my hostage friend) that if they wanted to talk they could send one of their crew out with his weapon lowered and I would do the same, and we could come to an arrangement, but I wasn't ditching my weapons. They didn't seem to like that and when my buddy tried to negotiate further one said "No. Too late." and put the gun to his head. I prepared to take a burst from my woodland watcher.

And then... No message received for 11 seconds


Well, fuck. That was the most tense experience I've had in DayZ, with no logging (unless they were ghosting) and the server restart cut it short for us all. Also, my friend lost the M4 he dropped on the ground, so I'm glad I didn't lose my Mosin and magnum.

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I play on Hardcore servers only.  And there are far less people that combat log on those servers.  Now combat logging will be mostly a thing of the past with the new patch.  It can still be done but more than likely it will result death for those types of players.

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Our group has held up plenty of people who don't log.. It's actually kinda getting rare.. Cuffed, bagged, fed w/e.. I appreciate them being a sport.. Remember sometimes the gig is up, period.. In a few weeks, the log won't help you, only Jesus.. This will more than likely do a whole ton of good for those aren't happy about the KOS issue..

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Are you serious right now...? If you killed him anyways you couldn't have been mad at the guy for combat logging if he did... And whats the point of sitting through all this if you're a fresh spawn with nothing but a flash light...? You can just die and restart! I always combat log/run until shot if some blood bandits wants my blood because there really isn't any reason to stay behind it's just a waste of time and losing half your blood from the start is annoying

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so lemme get this stright. you take a guy hostage a fresh spawn no less, and then you get pissed of when he doesent give you stright anwsers so you end up executing him?

i do admit good on him for not logging.


but seriously? i would be saying all kind of weird shit if you took me hostaged and tried interrogating me.

whats your name


what are you doing here?

Looking for my rubber pants and my squirrel.


and such.


you had the guy cuffed. you dident hafto execute him.you could have simply walked away.

you put your self in that situation by taking him hostage and in a office building of elektro no less.

then when your groups starts going down its his fault?


No beans for you sir.

Edited by Happy-
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Fact is we couldn't have walked away. We were in elektro dude. Have you ever been In elektro on a full server?

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I've been in and out of every town on full servers and im still on my first character (well minus 1 charcter wipe).

Yeah I've had a few interactions with players but only after I've been watching them for a while and decided to reveal myself.

Tried my tactic a couple of nights ago in svetlo, watched 2 players that seemed to me as friendly, came out of my watching position and crouched in an alley staring at one of the other players (had my gun raised just incase) and I yell "friendly?" "been watching you guys, had several chances to drop you and haven't, im friendly"

The player looks at me and runs off into the building and I see his friend upstairs come to the window.

I figure...ok, no communication....leg it! So I decide to give them space and I move out to the NEAF and they can clear the town.

I get to the airfield just as the same 2 muppets arrive..im like WTF, im positive I wasnt tailed, one came down and the other I spotted on OW on the hill (not hidden lol).

The 2 begin to open fire at me and I zigzag sprint out of there....i get into town and find a mosin in the top floor of the school /office building on the shelf and high tail it west along the road, find a nice ambush spot from the treeline and equip my LRS to my mosin and swap the bipod from my m4.

Now if my predictions are correct this pair will come this way to hit the next town...15 mins later here come the 2 muppets running along the road like a pair of noobs.....line up my shot, about to press the trigger and BANG, BANG, BANG! Im like WTF, 3 guys come running out the treeline on the opposite side of the road taking down 1 of the players....i scope on the second (just to watch) and see him log lmao

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I love experimental, all players who tried to combat log just nicely sit downed and were happy to be axed down. 

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