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Close Combat system

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I know DayZ SA is ALPHA system and hope system of combat will get better later. I Think the Infictited people must be really danger for survivors. Combat system seem to me is too simple (One shot by axe and fight is over)


My suggestion is create Very light version of this combat system if it is possible.



Edited by Poseidon11

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Please no. This game is not made for this and will never be. The damage of weapons will change. It's alpha, you said it already.

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Can we settle for Stock strikes and bayonet thrusts when available? Otherwise martial arts beyond fisticuffs won't really work in this engine...

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Maybe it would be a good idea if zombies (or some of them) had three kinds of attacks. Hiting, jumping and grappling. While hitting and jumping would be the animation we know, grappling would hold you in position for a short period of time (to bite for example). In tense situations this would reduce your movement ability and make close combat more dangerous.


Btw. I miss that option for players too, since pvp close combat mainly consists of running forth and back from your opponent while hitting. The one with the better fps always has advantage because of better timing. Judo or Systema seems to be an alien concept in dayz.

Edited by jayleann

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Maybe just make zombies more powerfule and put all hell of a lot more in, and give them some sort of grab, i think one shot from a axe would kill one if they where real if you hit it in the head that is. But realy i think just a lot and i mean a lot more of them in the game, or just in the citys for sure, you cant tell me only 3 people leaved in the big citys here, so where are the rest who did not make it?

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