lordscags 0 Posted January 31, 2014 Hello! I would like to present this server to you guys! They now have custom scripts for epoch and also buildings added to the map.Visit their website here: www.fragzserver.comCustom scripts and buildings list: Quote -Custom startup loadout with m9sd and toolbox-Self Bloodbag-No plot pole requirement to build-600+ vehicles-50+ helis and planes-Added weapons and unbanned alot of guns-Take Clothes-Towing/Lifting-DeployBike with toolbox-AIs and missions-Custom map markers -Custom supply crates and salvation base-AutoRefuel-AntiTheft in safezones -SleepHeal-Custom buldings and camps Custom buildings list: -Balota and NWAF military camps -Extended and buildings added in NEAF -Skalisty Bridge -Barracks in Elektrozavodsk -Tikhaya City -NovyLug outpost -ZoneAlpha (Salvation base containing lot of crates and supplies) -East Coast Prison -Otmel island base -More barracks around the map -24/7 Daylight-Toggleable debug monitor-Custom antihack Share this post Link to post Share on other sites