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Endless Desync

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In every server, not matter the ping/amount of players/or country the server is in, after about 10 seconds, EVERYTHING freezes, but i can still walk around. However i cant move anything in/out of my inventory. No players move/interact/anything at all. I cant open doors/climb ladders/etc. But when i do manage to pick up something or eat something, i have to log out of the server and get back in for it to appear. 

Anyone else have this problem and if so, how did you fix it? 

(P.S i tried Verifying game cache on steam, uninstalling/reinstalling/setting all settings to default. And yes i know i pressed the "i understand" button but i cant play at all)

Thanks for any help

Edited by Fuzzy_Waffle

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Well man if you used the search funtion you would of seen that this is a known issue.  There is no fix for it atm.  Just have to wait until the problem is fixed.

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Search for desync on the forums. There were a bunch of "fixes", that didn't work for most people.

As for me, the problem vanished as it appeared after one week. Anyway, look for servers endlessly, I used to find 1 server that did not give me desync (for a while, not forever) out of 100 or so :(

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Nesting a container in a container, be it backpacks in backpacks or medical kits in protective cases or protective cases in protective cases can cause continuous deysnc, I had the same problem caused by just having a protective case full of books.


Pick a server from your favorites list and join and drop any protective cases you have, then join a different server and see if that fixes it,if not go back and loot the case, should be able to drag and drop and have it update after you re log.

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