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DayZ Paladin

DayZPaladin.com (Daylight/Friendly) Hardcore

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Okay so maybe I'm a bit partial but I really like the server that I rent/admin and the people who regularly play on it.  The MOTD encourages folks to not KOS and states to show that you are friendly wear a yellow or orange raincoat.  Thus far it's worked extremely well.  We even have a small group of people who actively patrol the new spawn area and help out the new spawns and prosecute spawn killers.  In the month or so I've had the server up I've only been KOS once and that was last night from a sniper.  Personally I like to see humans acting humane and would hope in a survival situation we wouldn't completely revert back to animals.  


I currently spend around $100 dollars from my own pocket every month and consider it money well spent.  I actually rented a server from all 3 of the providers (Gameservers.com, Multiplaygameservers.com and Vilayer.com.  After trying each for a couple of days, I finally chose Vilayer because their server pings were lowest (even in same city hosting), there interface was more user friendly and their support was top notch.


One final note, I simply love this game.  Most complain about it being alpha but I see that as a plus.  This way I get to watch every week or two as new and exciting things are added.  How many other games update with so much new content that regularly?  Plus you absolutely can't top Rocket's open and active participation in the forums and online.


Stop  by and say hi.


Website:  www.dayzpaladin.com


Server:  (search for DayZPaladin.com)


Teamspeak:  teamspeak.dayzpaladin.com:10001

Edited by DayZ Paladin
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sounds fun I will try out later on. I am from UK so wonder if my ping been around 150 would make me get kicked.?

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  On 2/5/2014 at 2:21 PM, AgentNe0 said:

sounds fun I will try out later on. I am from UK so wonder if my ping been around 150 would make me get kicked.?

No we don't kick for high ping, but it might mean your game experience isn't optimal. :(

Edited by DayZ Paladin

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Dear Paladín, i was hurt, and enter your server looking for help in the NSHQ in solnichy, i found no one there, maybe the walkers override the place, maybe everybody was dead. I keep heading north looking for supplies and food, but i found only dead from a kos man, maybe cause i didnt found a yellow raincoat, maybe he was crazy, all i now is the guys at the headquarters are dead.

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Sounds like an interesting place, I'll check it out.  I'm eager to have actual human interaction that doesn't just involve being shot by unseen people.  

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I regularly play here.  Pretty big fan.  I'm a pretty well geared player and am fast to gear up even after death, so I generally roam from PvP to PvP zone to find fights (So there's a decent chance I was the sniper that killed you...sorry? <3), so even if you're not hanging out along the coast, it's still a pretty good server to play on.  Numbers have been down a bit recently, so please hop on and kill some Zs with us  :D

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Been playing on and off as well for the past few weeks.


Try to hit it up when the player count is a little higher. Have not had too much human interaction. Met a group of 3 people wanting to give me an M4 last weekend, which I declined.


Been KOS'd a few times too and have been guilty of the same when I am jumpy.


It is in my favorites list.

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So far only had 3 encounters with people and no KOS so far.  One was even on the airfield, which was a nice surprise.  The other was in the school, we even spent a few minutes trading ammo.  I've been doing the yellow raincoat thing which so far has been successful.

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  On 2/18/2014 at 8:45 AM, Vaporologist said:

I'd like to join, I love this server's mentality.

I'm pretty new to SA, how do I search for your server in the DayZ list?

the only way i know how is to add it via Remote on the top right and fill in for Address and 2902 for Port, once you've done that you can then add it to favorites and then access it through Favorite on the top for future use!

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