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Infinite shotgun ammo.

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Date/Time: 22/06/2012 between 14:00-19:00 time doesn't seem to matter

What happened: I had an 8 round shotgun ammo (I did this with both slug and pellet), which I'd fired 3 shots from (5/8 remaining, though the number you've used doesn't matter)) and 3x 2 shotgun ammo (though when I did this with pellets I don't think it actually mattered that i had the extra) I separated the 8 shot with the intention of combining one of the 2 shot's. Strait after I clicked to combine, it didn't use any of my extra 2 shots and combined back in to an 8 shot with all the ammo (8/8). Did this a couple of times to check as I thought I might have had an extra shot in there. but as long as you have 1 bullet in an 8 shot left you can separate it then put it back together and have full ammo

Where you were: it happened in several places so i'm assuming location doesn't matter.

Current installed version: (or just the latest unless there was an update yesterday

Timeline of events before/after error: I did it yesterday but went to the pub last night as i thought it'd have already been reported. Turns out that it looks like it hasn't been,

Obviously you probably don't want this getting out as it kinda means you never need to scavenge for shotgun ammo so hide/delete whatever at will.

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