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Life Ending Events

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I feel that i am a decent player and i have been and do get killed by making stupid decisions, ie trusting people or running into a horde of zombies for fun:) But since i have started playing this mod i have certain things effect me that could only be done by an admin who doesn't particularly like me or some sort of bug.

1.My longest character ever gets lost in i believe 1.22 update,when i saved and left i was fine and healthy like 12 k blood, m240b 2 sets of nvgs ammo food rangefinder coyote backpack.I spawn in and i am knocked out and bleeding out at the same time i then lose that character.

2.i get a m4sd,nvgs,ranefinder,m107 tws,coyote backpack.i play this character for several hours then i went down to chernogorsk set up a tent,i had plenty of food and water and was in the green all the way when i saved and left.i Come back approximatley 10 hours later and i have been completley reset,i started out with noob gear at the beach and the tent that had been set up wasnt mine.Again another loss of epic gear that shouldn't have happened.

3.Today i had a m107tws and a revolver,this was my character for the last about 24 hours,i had saved with the m107tws on the airfield with 9k blood,when i came back i had no m107 and 4k blood.i was still alive but died very soon after because of not being able to see anything.

While these are the main 3, i have lost stuff in similar ways just the losses were not as great.These things have devastated my gameplay making it almost seem useless to play now if i'm just going to get screwed over within a day or so by some bug/deletion that kills me.

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There have been a few gear/health bugs along the way, and we have also had a few database issues aswell. Being an Alpha, we do expect there to be issues, and in the future, once the mod has been released as a final release(still a LONG way off), there will be a character reset. All I can do is apologise for the lost gear and characters.

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I have had the same bug logging in sometimes to be bleeding. The worst was on the U.S. 3 or NYC 3 server with no Third Person I couldn't see the blood squirting out of my neck and didn't realize I was loosing blood until my screen went grey lol. Now I make sure to check the moniter first thing for blood loss upon login.

Such is life in the zone.

P.S. remind me never to go near where you guys camp with Thermal Scoped .50 sniper rifles and multiple pairs of NVG's. Doesn't seem exactly fair to me but whatever. I guess the reward for camping a gear respawn spot at an airfield for multiple hours should be the best stuff that give other players absolutely no chance to fight back against.

Best I have found is a range finder binoculars I looted off a dead player (whom I found that way). Such is life in the zone...I guess.

Seems like an iWin button to me.

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