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Friendly Players

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So...as you may know, there's a new patch being tested on the experimental branch of DayZ, so I went to try it today...I met several people, at least 20 people on a 50 players server. 19 of them were friendly, some of them joined our little team, others decided to move along, only 1 of the encountered players was hostile, he came into the Berezino's school hitting us with his fists and I obviously killed him after trying to reason with him, because he never stopped to hit me.

I was really surprised of meeting so many friendly players on a full servers, I didn't die, not even once...we all worked as a team sharing ammo, food, water, and other supplies. We were all complete strangers who met in-game but we fought the zombies (a lot) and manage to survive the whole day together, was a nice expierience and restored my faith in this game.


This shows that there IS friendly people out there who are willing to work as a team :) might be hard to find these people, but is worth the time spent when you finally find guys like these.


Was incredibly weird to live after facing so many zombies and so many players and so may server restarts, standing on top of the hospital or at the deck of the ship with no fear at all...specially when everyone wants to try out the new items and actions added so bad that they will kill for them.


Reminds me of the good 'ol DayZ :')

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Experimental is good like that. These servers really show that there is indeed a good core of players within the community. I find a similar situation on the Hardcore servers versus the Regular ones on the stable branch.

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Great news indeed! Cant wait to join up. I just heard about the experimental branch today and decided to check it out. Be seeing you great folks soon.


Ram S

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