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Reviving Unknown Entity

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Hello, I did some filming the other day in which towards the end, I had to go to Elektro to help a Dutch friend. I got to the Elektro fire station (having lost contact with my Dutch friend) and spotted a crouched body making 'pain noises'. I put two and two together, thought he had been killed so began to revive him. I revived said person and in the bottom left of my screen a yellow message popped up 'Sucessfully Revived Unknown Entity'. This is the first time I have revved anybody on DayZ and I'm quite baffled. I've attched the video, it's in the last 30 seconds, so feel free to skip to there and if anybody could help, that would be great.

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Unknown Entity was just the guys name?



I'm pretty sure it was his name.

You reckon? It just seemed buggy. He would not reply or anything.

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He did seem to be looking at you. Could have been without a mic or maybe he couldn't speak English.

Was that on dev branch? Have they instituted the log-off timer? Maybe he had logged.

Anyway, that was an awesome flank on that Rify sniper. Well done.

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Unknown Entity is the default name given to a player model of a person who lagged out or didn't disconnect properly.

Edited by sm4rtiez
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Unknown entity = dead person


You revived him but you still could loot him meaning you didn't really revive him.

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He did seem to be looking at you. Could have been without a mic or maybe he couldn't speak English.

Was that on dev branch? Have they instituted the log-off timer? Maybe he had logged.

Anyway, that was an awesome flank on that Rify sniper. Well done.

Thanks very much, the flank was only effective as my two fresh spawn friends were willing to dance around the cliff to distract the bandit.

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Unknown entity = dead person


You revived him but you still could loot him meaning you didn't really revive him.

Ahh that is a shame. Thanks though!

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I've seen this a couple of times, it's a character model that usually crouches, but for some reason sometimes lie down for a short time, and even moves his head.
If you hit him he bleeds, but doesn't die.
It's very weird.

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yeah i found an Unknown Entity standing in the middle of the road once, with a soldier zombie at his side, moaning, bleeding, and looking around all the time... bandaged him after disposing of the zombie, even glitches deserve some mercy

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yeah i found an Unknown Entity standing in the middle of the road once, with a soldier zombie at his side, moaning, bleeding, and looking around all the time... bandaged him after disposing of the zombie, even glitches deserve some mercy

Its really weird, It reminds me of the AI on some of the mods, just freakish behaviour. I thought the guy just did not have a mic haha

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I've seen this a couple of times, it's a character model that usually crouches, but for some reason sometimes lie down for a short time, and even moves his head.

If you hit him he bleeds, but doesn't die.

It's very weird.

It is really weird. Apparently it was a logged player?

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I actually know the answer to this one.


The reason it says unknown entity is because the person who was unconscious respawned instead of waiting, now his old body is still unconcious and you have just brought it back to life but it no longer has a player controlling it and that is why it becomes unkown entity.


In short it is not dead because you revived it but the player has already chosen to respawn.

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This happened to me. I was running around with some friends and my game crashed, but when I got back on I was a newspawn. My friends said I was standing right there. When I got back to where we were, they were right. My character was still there, alive.


We were able to acess it's gear and it was still alive. So we looted everything and I shot myself... it was strange.

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This happened to me. I was running around with some friends and my game crashed, but when I got back on I was a newspawn. My friends said I was standing right there. When I got back to where we were, they were right. My character was still there, alive.


We were able to acess it's gear and it was still alive. So we looted everything and I shot myself... it was strange.

haha now that is it odd. Did you revive yourself too? haha

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I actually know the answer to this one.


The reason it says unknown entity is because the person who was unconscious respawned instead of waiting, now his old body is still unconcious and you have just brought it back to life but it no longer has a player controlling it and that is why it becomes unkown entity.


In short it is not dead because you revived it but the player has already chosen to respawn

Sorted. Cheers man!

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