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Environment damage needs to go

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Two days ago i climbed a ladder and fell from it due to the ladder bug breaking all bones and falling unconscious, alerting every nearby zombie and died with my week's worth of awesome gear.

Yesterday i bumped into a lag-warping friendly player and got all bones broken and huge bleeding.

Today i climbed over a fence, broke all my bones, started bleeding and passed out.

There are people being crushed to death by opened doors or crawling through bushes.

The environment damage system is seriously broken.

99% of cases when it is inflicted upon the player, it is by engine bugs.

Caused by guns, zombies and vehicles is fine obviously.

Please remove 'death by engine' until said engine can be relied upon.

It does not add anything to the experience in any case.

Absolutely nothing is more infuriating than a death that is not my fault.

It is not hardcore, it is not realistic, it's just buggy.


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Yeah, I agree that it should be removed until it can be fixed. I have died more to goofy bugs and glitches than to zombies and players combined.

I think one problem might be that this is could be an issue with ArmA and not DayZ. So, fixing it might not be possible.

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Silly bits like being crushed by a door yeah thats shitty.

But if environment damage includes fall damage, no way.

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