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Battle Eye Kick = Character Wipe?

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Sup everyone,


I was on a rooftop in Balota killed a guy camping on a nearby rooftop and after a couple of minutes I was kicked due to not responding BattleEye client. On top of that, when I rejoined my character was wiped out.


Has anyone else experienced that?


Take care.


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I never had a non-announced character wipe.

Maybe you was playing on a server whit whitelist problems, every relog on that server = wipe

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Eh, it happens. Just ignore it.


Gotta love DayZ Alpha.

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My guess is your character got killed after you got disconnected.


When you log out (or get kicked, or disconnect for any reason) your character will remain on the server for 30 seconds.

Your character goes into a sitting position for that 30 seconds and can be killed by anyone nearby.

If you were prone, you sat up and were an easy target.

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