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The Batman

People Suck.

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I'll just BET you are one of these people who sit inside ammo dumps waiting for unarmed new spawns to show up and shoot. Am I right ?.....I'm right aren't I ?


The Balota Airfield Police XD Get a life dude, seriously. You're Like a neurotic poodle guarding its freshly laid dump. What do you do for thrills, collect bottle caps ?


Balota Airfield Police waiting for newspawns:



Get out and explore the map I say. Seems to me the majority of people camp at Elektro and Cherno for hours on end, waiting for someone to walk past their window.


I never combat log. Server hopping till I get a M4 ?....Well, that's a different story lol. And I'll BET money that you've done that too. But I think making my way from the spawn point, through Elektro, through Cherno, past the spawn killers and zombies, makes me think I've earned it. End of the day buddy, people paid their $30 for the game and they'll play it however they wish. Regardless of what you or I might say, none of our business.


Get used to it.


Would you sit on the back of a bicycle you just sold someone, and tell them how they should be riding it ?.....didn't think so.



Ok, because (if this was aimed at me) you are clearly slightly mentally retarded, let's break down your points and reply to them.


No. I make it a rule not to kill freshspawns. Simply because, I hate being killed as a freshspawn and it's more of a hindrance to myself to waste ammo killing them. I might hold them up and scare them by forcing them to remove their clothes, maybe stealing their shoes, but I'll let them go ultimately.


That doesn't even make sense and isn't relevant to what we are discussing here. I don't see how disliking cheaters is sad and means I don't have a life. You come across as a child in your remarks so I'm mostly going to ignore this part.


I've also never camped Elektro and Cherno. Yeah I've been there, but most of the time I'm much further north than that.


Nope. I don't server hop for loot. The only time I really change servers is to try and get a server with more players in it. Believe me, you are the only one with that mentality and personally I think it's pointless to server hop for loot. If you think making your way through high PvP spots without dying gives you the right to cheat, then you're an idiot. I have no problem with people playing with playstyles that I don't personally agree with. But cheating isn't a playstyle.

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