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Did I Get Cheated Or Was This Just A Glitch?

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Wasn't recording or anything so I have to describe what happened. I was at the NWAF with a friend of mine who was very new to the game. We heard tons of gunfire in the firehouse near the ATC tower, so naturally we ran toward it. We got there and saw 4 dead bodies, attacker nowhere to be seen. Shortly after he comes back to the bodies and opens fire on us with an M4 (we were inside the firehouse whereas he was outside the door in the grassy area facing the rock wall perimeter).


He shot me, I shot him, both of us were bleeding but not dead. He started running toward a corner of the firehouse from the outside. I ran up to the doorway and peeked to the left in the direction he ran. Nobody is there. Coast is entirely clear. There was no way he could have run away that fast (I got to the door about 1 second after he ran) so I figured he combat logged.  I stayed peeking for about 10 seconds, still no sign of him, so I step outside the door just to make sure when suddenly HE COMES OUT OF THE WALL. He was literally INSIDE the wall and just walked right out of it and shot me. Is this some kind of hack or was this just a glitch due to the alpha-ness of the game? (like maybe from his point of view he was just crouched in the corner but from my point of view he was inside a wall)? Been bothering me for a couple days and I'm looking for a second opinion.


For anyone that cares, after he killed me he immediately started bandaging himself, and my friend was able to kill him while he was bandaging.

Edited by XploSive
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This is a glitch. It is possible to phase through walls if the circumstances are just right. Idk how he managed to pull it off in such a way that was so awesomely fantastic that he managed to kill you in the process (normally i come out the other side of whatever i glitch through like I had just been born again) 


Almost definitely not a hack. Just terrible luck is what it looks like

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I was watching a video earlier of this gunfight that was going on by some tents, and the recorder was in the wall, watching the moves of his opponent, and when he had a shot, he stood up (to see over the wall) and took it. People in the comments were congratulating the win. But in my mind I was like,"You cheating motherf-" 


It's not a hack, but then again, I'm talking about a different tactic here. You said he came out of the wall, I said the guy was looking through it to his advantage.

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I was watching a video earlier of this gunfight that was going on by some tents, and the recorder was in the wall, watching the moves of his opponent, and when he had a shot, he stood up (to see over the wall) and took it. People in the comments were congratulating the win. But in my mind I was like,"You cheating motherf-" 


It's not a hack, but then again, I'm talking about a different tactic here. You said he came out of the wall, I said the guy was looking through it to his advantage.


Yea I know about that exploit too.  Also the one where you can hide in a house, walk up to a wall, and lean into it to basically see everything outside on the street.  Really hope that exploit gets patched soon.  There was a guy that was toying with my buddy (who just got the game that day) this way.  The exploit user was on the top floor of one of the buildings at NEAF, and my buddy was outside.  The exploiter was saying in direct communication 'i can see you, i see you crouching there, now i see you getting up, now i see you proning, i'm coming to get you in a second.'  Really annoying.  Made my friend not want to play the game anymore because his first encounter with another player was basically admitting to using an exploit and messing with him.

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 Is this some kind of hack or was this just a glitch due to the alpha-ness of the game?


Not to sound dismissive, but why does it matter at all?


We know some hacks are floating around and we definitely know there are a lot of weird glitches going on. So, who cares which one this was? Obviously nobody can tell for sure. Maybe one, maybe the other. Maybe a mixture of the two (i.e., he glitched into the wall and decided to exploit it to his advantage).


You're dead either way you slice the pie.


Made my friend not want to play the game anymore


Well, that's a bit sad. Hopefully you can convince your friend it's really silly to get upset about glitches and exploits at this stage of the game. That's like driving a car with no tires and then complaining about the bumpy ride.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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Sounds like he may have been ghosting. When someone logs in it may look like they are coming through a wall or appearing out of nowhere.


He knew where you were so he logged out and logged into another server and got in a position where you were. Then he just logged back into the server right beside you and was probably partially in the wall (this happens sometimes) and then killed you.

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there are also d'bags that will log out, go to a different server and move to a better position then change servers back again, crazy what some a'holes will do.

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And there's always desync, which causes others to look like they're phasing through things.

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