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North Of The Coast.

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Hey everyone, I will say this for the pros to correct me if I'm wrong. I have never played DayZ.


I see a lot of people complain about starving and dehydration, no loot, no guns, and being slaughtered along the coast. I've read through plenty of forums and watched hours of videos to conclude this..


Go north.


Cherno and Elektro are full of bandits, waiting for fresh meat. With so so much more places to go, you fresh meat.. Always go to Cherno and Elektro, I know, I see you complain about it on the forums all the time!


Look at this-




Look at all of this. So much more to see, So much more to loot. Sure-There is little food and water, but there are fountains, and with luck and courage, you will find food. 


I am sorry for being naive, I just want to see the KoS and starvation complaints to dim down. I can't wait to step foot in DayZ. Good luck to you all.



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I dunno where you got that map from but it loaded slower than glacier movement.

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I have no idea why the forums made two copies, I hit post only once. I couldn't find a map that had resolution you could make out, I understand the vehicle advertisement is false, I just needed the map-and as I said, I have never played, I just want to suggest that people stop going to Cherno and Elektro to die, then complain about it on the forums.

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