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Joining Servers Losing Gear, Not Server Hopping

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It seems that certain servers will take all your gear (basiclly starting all over) when you join them. When joining the server(s) it says  "please wait" the wait is about 2 to 3 minutes long. I'm not server hopping, it's the first server I join and joining only regular servers not hardcore.

I don't mind starting over only if someone kills me or I do something stupid, but losing all my gear from joining a server without server hopping is ridiculous. It so frustrating when you are carryiing an m4 fully setup with scope  and a long range scope in your backpack looking for the mosin  I know it's still in alpha  just wanted to throw this out there.

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That's a sign that server is having problems. I usually bail off of those immediatly since I don't want them screwing up my character. Find another one, with people on it. Chances are your character is fine.

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I suggest you avoid the 30 man servers as they seem to have some kind of problem right now, at least for me. As for other servers make sure you are joining the right type of server i.e. Regular or Hardcore as those are on separate hives meaning you will have a different character on each type. 

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