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I think are the most dangerous part in this game, i wanted to get a good sniping position in a town, and of course check for more 7mm ammo... Got to the top, glitched fell down the ladder hole, and died. Lost 13 hours of gameplay, full geared, besides a few med items.... The Frustration of dying because of a ladder glitch, is tooooo real

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Get used to it. The ladders got a lot better with the last patch tho. At least we no longer break our legs while opening doors, as we did in the mod.

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ladders are dangerous in my opinion not because they're glitchy (havent died from a ladder incident yet, not saying it can't happen though)


You are an absolute SITTING DUCK on a ladder. Like, dear god there's not even a way to sprint climb or anything. You're dead if you're on a ladder and someone wants to shoot you lol

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Ladders are like a Wasp, you pass by them and they want to kill you.

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Lol so true. Playing with my friend and it's his first time properly playing dayz and he broke his legs so many times from the ladders and did die once from climbing then he just kind of fell off. I have been fairly lucky with ladders, had many close calls.

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I saw the best image a little while ago just of a character looking at a ladder with the caption "Press F to die" ...


I've been fine with ladders since the last patch but I am still wary fo them as i wish to avoid Wile Coyote style mid air deaths as I lag back 5m's in the air.

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nothing more fun than falling from the top of the ATC full of gear after climbing the ladder, temporarily shitting yourself and realizing some how you did not die...glitchy glitchy


press F to die meme would be hillarious!

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ladders are dangerous in my opinion not because they're glitchy (havent died from a ladder incident yet, not saying it can't happen though)


You are an absolute SITTING DUCK on a ladder. Like, dear god there's not even a way to sprint climb or anything. You're dead if you're on a ladder and someone wants to shoot you lol

I wonder if we will be able to slide down them at some point :o

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Dear god NO! Judo, that was a feature in ArmA and when you did that he actually just let go of the stupid ladder. xD I would like them to implement sliding down ladders but I feel like they won't make it work entirely. >.>

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