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Lag or Hacks

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So this guy is shooting at us with a mosin by the tower in Elektro we try to flank him. I'm posted up next to a bush looking for him, next thing you know he walks right in front of me with his back towards not even 5 feet away. I ADS and put 4 rounds from the 357 in his back and nothing.....no blood he starts running comes around and kills me in 2 hits from his 357.


Earlier today me and a buddy put 2 40 round mags into a guy that was trying to ax us while we were trying to hold him up. He was just running around laughing the whole time saying shoot me come on shoot me.


This has happened a couple of times before today also. I don't mind dying its part of the game but when I get the upper hand and put a clip into someone and they don't die, turn around and put 2 rounds from a .45 into me and kill me that's horse shit lol.


So hacks or lag or what?

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No way to know for sure unless you have the server logs. Try and play on a good server with active admins and you will have more methods at your disposal to track down exploits, if there are any. 


Reality is that now the server decides if you hit someone, so lag definitely comes into play and right now there is a lot of optimization that still needs to happen.

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