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Boots over Bullets

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Weird idea after watching "The Road"
How about this idea!
Once your boots become ruined, you character animation would start to limp, due to the boots having no sole and your walking bare feet? This could result in 'Blistered Feet' which may lead to infections or something like that!


Limping Animation Idea? (well something similar)


Credit to 'Doc ock rokc' on the facepunch forums for the GIF


Another alternate of fixing this may be that you might be able to construct a pair of 'Wooden Crutches' to help you recover

Just an idea I thought would give the game a huge realistic boost!
You could simply hold hostage a new spawn just for his shoes, please let me know what you think of this!

Edited by kryphon
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Shoes that get damaged over time and foot injuries were things that were already planned to be implemented, if I recall correctly. Great idea nontheless!

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I never limp when I go bare feet? And blisters without shoes? I think I don't get it. The animation looked cool if somebody shot in your upper leg.

Edited by jayleann

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