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Legacy (DayZ)

The one and only Anti-PVP/PvP Discussion thread! Whine/discuss here!

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can you make this a sticky please? I was raging at these whining/suggestion threads all day err day for the past weeks and loved to see someone take action. :3

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I suspect' date=' in time, much of that will be addressed. One way would be to delete all Assets a Player has accumulated when they die.


Even that doesn't solve the problem, after all, it would only take one live player to keep a tent active for the rest of the players in his clan or teamspeak. The rest could die quite often, but with decent inventory management, the good equipment could always end back up at the encampment.

They'll die eventually too.

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I have really no negative opinions on the matter besides to say that I really think this thread was a good idea. Sticky to keep the forums clear?

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I'm not against the PvP, but players should have a valid reason to pull a trigger. I guess in RL you would be extremely happy if you find alive person or help other survivors, like in "28 Days Later".

Currently most people play DayZ as DM/CoD type of game because there is no threat from zombies, virus/disease or dying from starvation/hypothermia. Player can find weapons and stuff in first 10-20 minutes anyway.

I think DayZ need more things to do after you find some food and medicine for teams or random groups of people. More ambitions goals than repairing a car. I'd like to see towns or bases that can be cleaned from zombies, so players (not bandits) can find a safe place to live and work on end game goals.

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Difficult is when a bandit group goes against a survivor group.

Impossible is when they attack at night, with NVGs survivors cannot just find, and just server hop back to "home base" to get re-equipped and hop back in within 10 minutes, IF they don't DC first.

Also, there's a lot more "shut up about wanting rainbows" threads, but I have yet to actually SEE anyone honestly suggesting a complete shut down of PvP, and even more so, I've never heard someone legitimately OR sarcastically suggest survivors fart rainbows all day.

In other words, Legacy, I have to respectfully say that the "casuals" this community seems to hate do not, nor ever did, exist. They were quickly told (and far from respectfully, I might add) that DayZ is not meant for a mainstream audience. The vile, outright shameful harassment they suffered JUST because they had a differing opinion is exactly the kind of thing that shows the dark secrets behind the "hardcore/anti-carebear" mentality. I submit to this thread that those people are NOT worth catering to, yet the actual game practically gives them a free pass to do whatever they want.

It is not balance that is asked for, it is simply common sense. A common sense, that players cannot fight by the rules to beat these people, that requires intervention. A survivor, even a well organized survivor group, cannot fight against a PvP only group simply because the PvP only group does not worry about getting killed. They feel no weight behind their actions, and the ONLY way to truly stop them is to do the same underhanded things that makes them the aforementioned shameless group. The game may be unfair, yes, but there is a very clear difference between unfair and undeniable favoritism. These PvP elitists do not put weight into their actions and do not truly "feel" DayZ. How can, then, those that do care, do experience, and do feel weight, fight against those that don't? They can't, simply because the game will not let them.

Life has the restriction of one life to ensure the weight of actions are considered, yet a game doesn't. It becomes a meaningless gamble to play as a survivor because nothing is accomplished, whereas playing to kill people is a very tailored to goal in DayZ. When people ask for "easier" (used loosely) things, they're asking that someone show that there is more to DayZ than PvP. Players cannot enforce this because to do so means breaking their own rules. So to beat a deathmatcher, you have to actually play like one, thus cancelling out any point in the game to begin with.

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Difficult is when a bandit group goes against a survivor group.

Impossible is when they attack at night' date=' with NVGs survivors cannot just find, and just server hop back to "home base" to get re-equipped and hop back in within 10 minutes, IF they don't DC first.

Also, there's a lot more "shut up about wanting rainbows" threads, but I have yet to actually SEE anyone honestly suggesting a complete shut down of PvP, and even more so, I've never heard someone legitimately OR sarcastically suggest survivors fart rainbows all day.

In other words, Legacy, I have to respectfully say that the "casuals" this community seems to hate do not, nor ever did, exist. They were quickly told (and far from respectfully, I might add) that DayZ is not meant for a mainstream audience. The vile, outright shameful harassment they suffered JUST because they had a differing opinion is exactly the kind of thing that shows the dark secrets behind the "hardcore/anti-carebear" mentality. I submit to this thread that those people are NOT worth catering to, yet the actual game practically gives them a free pass to do whatever they want.

It is not balance that is asked for, it is simply common sense. A common sense, that players cannot fight by the rules to beat these people, that requires intervention. A survivor, even a well organized survivor group, cannot fight against a PvP only group simply because the PvP only group does not worry about getting killed. They feel no weight behind their actions, and the ONLY way to truly stop them is to do the same underhanded things that makes them the aforementioned shameless group. The game may be unfair, yes, but there is a very clear difference between unfair and undeniable favoritism. These PvP elitists do not put weight into their actions and do not truly "feel" DayZ. How can, then, those that do care, do experience, and do feel weight, fight against those that don't? They can't, simply because the game will not let them.

Life has the restriction of one life to ensure the weight of actions are considered, yet a game doesn't. It becomes a meaningless gamble to play as a survivor because nothing is accomplished, whereas playing to kill people is a very tailored to goal in DayZ. When people ask for "easier" (used loosely) things, they're asking that someone show that there is more to DayZ than PvP. Players cannot enforce this because to do so means breaking their own rules. So to beat a deathmatcher, you have to actually play like one, thus cancelling out any point in the game to begin with.


Wow. So your entire argument is you can't outplay the bandits? Sounds like the problem is with you, not the bandits, jus' sayin.

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Wow. So your entire argument is you can't outplay the bandits? Sounds like the problem is with you' date=' not the bandits, jus' sayin.


If the problem is me, why so many threads? Because they're right.

You cannot "outplay," as you so basically put it, the "bandits" (although there's no such thing anymore) because they do not play DayZ as a survival game, merely a shooting gallery. That mentality, combined with the literal glass ceiling, makes playing against them impossible.

You're a survivor, in town, working on gathering supplies. You have a team covering you, but then there's someone on the radio tower with an AS50.

If you shoot, zombies surround you and you probably die. (consequence)

If they shoot, you die, and they have no zombie aggro. (no consequence)

If you don't shoot, they will. (consequence)

It is simply a no-win situation, not even an imbalance situation. It's simply a matter of you not being a bandit. If you're not a bandit, and you don't kill people on sight, you're just a KoS target for people. DayZ gives about as much freedom in player choice as a house of mirrors. It certainly LOOKS clear, but when you try to do anything other than this one thing, that being kill your way to the top, you're sent back to the beginning.

Survivors get far more consequences to their actions than bandits do, even though they're actually surviving. This is not imbalance, this is nothing more than catering a griefer experience.

So is DayZ an Open World Zombie Apocalypse Survival Mod? Or is it just another griefer playground? Right now it's the latter, so what's the point in playing if the sole objective is to get kills?

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I guess the next logical question is why you are in a town exposing yourself to the bandit in the radio tower. The reason theres so many threads is because theres an inordinate amount of whiners that play this game, they get killed a few times and run to the forums to post their dissertation on why bandits ruin everything in the free universe.

Noone stops to take the time and evaluate how they could of prevented their own death. I've never once been killed and thought to myself "well there was no way to avoid that! quickly, to the forums to complain!". People just can't handle the fact that their investment of time is so fragile, and when they get killed it's their natural reaction to blame the other guy instead of themselves, and that's the bottom line.

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I guess the next logical question is why you are in a town exposing yourself to the bandit in the radio tower. Noone stops to take the time and evaluate how they could of prevented their own death.

Survivors don't have massive amounts of supplies, guns, and all the vehicles they need to get from place to place. They also can't predict when someone logs into the woods they just cleared. The only way to play as a Survivor is to simply not play at all. The variables and scenarios ALWAYS favors bandits. Bandits don't need to go into town for supplies because they can have them driven in by their buddies camping the NWAF. And forget about getting anywhere near, they have NVGs and DMRs on some server you've never heard of, so shooting them does nothing more than give them a 10 minute time out.

As I've said before, there's a big difference between difficult and stupid. Sudoku is difficult, skydiving without a parachute because it's "hardcore" is stupid.

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I've been killed too many times , by typing to ANY survivor to make a team , so , I'll shoot everything on sight , but i won't to unarmed survivors.

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I guess the next logical question is why you are in a town exposing yourself to the bandit in the radio tower. Noone stops to take the time and evaluate how they could of prevented their own death.

Survivors don't have massive amounts of supplies' date=' guns, and all the vehicles they need to get from place to place. They also can't predict when someone logs into the woods they just cleared. The only way to play as a Survivor is to simply not play at all. The variables and scenarios ALWAYS favors bandits. Bandits don't need to go into town for supplies because they can have them driven in by their buddies camping the NWAF. And forget about getting anywhere near, they have NVGs and DMRs on some server you've never heard of, so shooting them does nothing more than give them a 10 minute time out.

As I've said before, there's a big difference between difficult and stupid. Sudoku is difficult, skydiving without a parachute because it's "hardcore" is stupid.


Where do you get all this stuff from? I consider myself a bandit, have been for a while. I've been playing since about the middle of April, and i've only had a working vehicle twice. I don't use tents, because frankly they never used to work and I don't trust them. I am part of a 2-man team, and to be honest, i've never even found a pair of NVG's in the game. I don't server hop, I don't disconnect when i'm fired upon, I play the game as it is. Hell, i've never even had a DMR. I do all my sniping open sights with a enfield, and I never camp the beach.

You seem to have this big boogeyman persona of bandits, like we all have hummer brigades full of people thirsting for your beans, rolling into combat with anti-material rifles and thermal scopes, armed to the teeth just for the sole purpose of ruining your game. Maybe there is a small percentage of people out there just like what i've described, but is it fair to lump all of us into that category? The PVE crowd doesn't want us to associate them with the quote un quote 'carebears' or 'CoD crowd', but you automatically treat any bandit as some sort of game exploiting blood thirsty asshole.

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I think sniper rifles need to be removed.

If someone can hit me with open sights from far away then fairplay to them.

But someone camping in the trees 600m away just sucks. You can't counter it.

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You're so wrong. You're so so so wrong.

This game SUPPORTS banditry. It has like one or two base mechanics that support friendly / cooperative play. Oh... and those mechanics ALSO support cooperative BANDITRY.

It wasn't the main intended feature' date=' but yes, it is a side effect of the community we have, hence why on the front page it says 'Slay Bandit's' as a feature.

Voice chat? It attracts zombies, and of course bandits in the area will immediately know your whereabouts. Bandits shoot on sight, even other bandits, so they will never be concerned with this mechanic.

Never heard of zombies being able to hear voice chat, gonna need some verification on this. If you're concerned about bandits hearing your voice chat, use TS/Ventrilo/Mumble/etc

It is also impossible for the total combined murder count GAME WIDE to be higher than the BANDIT KILL COUNT. Why is this? Because in order to become a bandit, you must murder. That means at best it could only ever be 1 bandit death per 1 murder death - unlikely.

But bandits can get dozens of murders before they're slain, and still each bandit death only counts as one successful bandit kill "point".

That, my friends, is straight up skewed in their favor. Yes, any half intelligent person can understand that and do the mental math behind figuring out how much of a badass someone is that has a high bandit kill count... but the masses don't care. One number is simply easier to get, and bigger, than the other - and thus it is the PRIMARY of the two.

The only thing I got out of this is you pay entirely too much attention to the scoreboard/leaderboard, and it only reinforces peoples beliefs that it should be removed. Also, I kill an average of 30-35 people a day, and maybe 1-2 of them are bandits. If there's so many bandits as people say there are, how come i'm not seeing them, especially since where I hunt, is called bandit heaven?

I'm not Anti-PVP, I'm not Anti-Banditry... I'm Anti-unfair mechanics, statistics, and gameplay designed to favor such behavior. When you're literally FORCING a good natured person who wants to play as a friendly cooperative survivor to play as a malicious, downright evil murderer just to even REMOTELY enjoy the game (read - keep a character alive more than 10 hours of play) - that's a really poor design choice.

Then rocket is getting exactly what he intended, for you to feel defeated by the game. Been alive without a single murder before, for 4-5 days before, it's all in how you play.

This needs to be fixed - not just for alpha, beta, release, but because at the CORE of the game if you don't keep this balanced the game will degenerate into a pathetic FPS mess.

Friendly and cooperative players are what keep the game alive. Without them the only players left will be assholes who just enjoy griefing one another.

Every game out there is a revolving door, people come and people go.


Things that will guarantee more players play nice, even bandits:

- Make the only sources of STRONG healing in the game, as in better than cans of pasta etc., require multiple players.

Apparently the two man blood infusion isn't enough, you need a team of 8 to hoist a 55 gallon drum of blood up

Even up the kill counts - if a bandit has 15 murders, any player that kills him should get 15 bandit kills (or points rather, I am in favor of renaming it to "avenges" or something similar).

To quote you, "the game will degenerate into a pathetic FPS mess.". There is nothing positive about this suggestion, infact, when the debug info goes away, you won't even be able to see your kill count so it's a moot point anyway. If you want scoreboards and points, this isn't the game for you.

Add in more multi-person gameplay elements similar to helicopters, that give advantages to groups of players over solo players (this naturally supports both but is not supportive of solo banditry).

I thought vehicles in general already did that? Unless you're referring to structures, something he already has on the backburner. Although I can't help but feel that once the advantage is given to groups, it will only spawn groups of bandits that will utilize it, and then it will be whined into submission by the very people who wanted it in the first place.

At some point you and those like you have to admit that the INTENT of the vast majority of banditry is to prevent other players from enjoying the game as it is INTENDED to be enjoyed.

The remaining few percentages of bandits are trying to make the game more interesting, and will genuinely play by the rules, and even on occasion decide not to slay someone they've encountered out of mutual benefit.

PVPers are not bandits, they are stealing this game for their own devices. Play as a real bandit, or don't play at all.

And above all this game needs to have some serious penalties applied for the many methods of cheating. The vast majority of this cheating is done purely to support malicious play and PVP - undeniable truth.

The intent of a bandit is to kill you, additionally if it upsets you, that is a bonus. The only person that this is news to, is apparently the minority of players that come to the forums crying

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I think sniper rifles need to be removed.

If someone can hit me with open sights from far away then fairplay to them.

But someone camping in the trees 600m away just sucks. You can't counter it.

If they can hit you at that distance they've earned it. This game isn't exactly forgiving when it comes to long distance shots.

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You're so wrong. You're so so so wrong.

This game SUPPORTS banditry. It has like one or two base mechanics that support friendly / cooperative play. Oh... and those mechanics ALSO support cooperative BANDITRY.

Voice chat? It attracts zombies, and of course bandits in the area will immediately know your whereabouts. Bandits shoot on sight, even other bandits, so they will never be concerned with this mechanic.

It is also impossible for the total combined murder count GAME WIDE to be higher than the BANDIT KILL COUNT. Why is this? Because in order to become a bandit, you must murder. That means at best it could only ever be 1 bandit death per 1 murder death - unlikely.

But bandits can get dozens of murders before they're slain, and still each bandit death only counts as one successful bandit kill "point".

That, my friends, is straight up skewed in their favor. Yes, any half intelligent person can understand that and do the mental math behind figuring out how much of a badass someone is that has a high bandit kill count... but the masses don't care. One number is simply easier to get, and bigger, than the other - and thus it is the PRIMARY of the two.

I'm not Anti-PVP, I'm not Anti-Banditry... I'm Anti-unfair mechanics, statistics, and gameplay designed to favor such behavior. When you're literally FORCING a good natured person who wants to play as a friendly cooperative survivor to play as a malicious, downright evil murderer just to even REMOTELY enjoy the game (read - keep a character alive more than 10 hours of play) - that's a really poor design choice.

This needs to be fixed - not just for alpha, beta, release, but because at the CORE of the game if you don't keep this balanced the game will degenerate into a pathetic FPS mess.

Friendly and cooperative players are what keep the game alive. Without them the only players left will be assholes who just enjoy griefing one another.


Things that will guarantee more players play nice, even bandits:

- Make the only sources of STRONG healing in the game, as in better than cans of pasta etc., require multiple players.

- Even up the kill counts - if a bandit has 15 murders, any player that kills him should get 15 bandit kills (or points rather, I am in favor of renaming it to "avenges" or something similar).

- Add in more multi-person gameplay elements similar to helicopters, that give advantages to groups of players over solo players (this naturally supports both but is not supportive of solo banditry).

Noone stops to take the time and evaluate how they could of prevented their own death.
You mean like logging out to escape, arming up by server hopping somewhere, or not going into dangerous territory?

At some point you and those like you have to admit that the INTENT of the vast majority of banditry is to prevent other players from enjoying the game as it is INTENDED to be enjoyed.

The remaining few percentages of bandits are trying to make the game more interesting, and will genuinely play by the rules, and even on occasion decide not to slay someone they've encountered out of mutual benefit.

PVPers are not bandits, they are stealing this game for their own devices. Play as a real bandit, or don't play at all.

And above all this game needs to have some serious penalties applied for the many methods of cheating. The vast majority of this cheating is done purely to support malicious play and PVP - undeniable truth.

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I think the general "problem" people have with PvP is twofold. First, right now there is is sort of a general lack of PvE content past a certain point. Like most everyone else when I started playing I scrounged around, looked for supplies inland and all that, even made a few trips to the NW Airfield. After awhile though it sort of got boring to poke around mostly empty towns, or spend the better part of an hour running through the woods to get to the Airfield, when I can just stay by the coastal cities and get a lot more excitement. Over time I even found dodging zombies to be less intense than it was, and started to focus more and more attention on smarted targets if you will.

Rather than bring PvP down, PvE needs to be brought up. More objectives and things to do PvE wise would help immensely and get people out of the cities where the bandits live.

The second problem is the people themselves. When I first started playing you could get pickup groups of survivors going and it was admittedly very fun. As more people came in we got more and more lame shits in, and people such as myself got so tired of being back-stabbed while in groups or just outright shot then we said "fuck it, I'm better off avoiding people or shooting them before they can shoot me and take all my shit."

If you want a coop game go on the forums and see if you can get together with some people, get some friends together, or try and find some public TS/Vent/Mumble/whatevers to join. That one idea of putting in radios in game is an awesome in-game solution that would encourage people to cooperate without fear of being overheard in public chat and whatnot.

All this talk of punishing bandits or putting in things like birds following them (how's the idea of doves following survivors with positive humanity strike you?) is just trying to hinder people for your own sake. If Rocket didn't want people to be able to shoot each other I'm pretty sure he'd find a way to turn friendly fire off. The fact is, banditry is a fact of life in DayZ by design, people need to learn to adapt to it be it avoiding known bandit areas, grouping together for safety, or just plain getting better and killing the bandits back so they can't take nothing else.

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I think that the op is right in trying to reduce the amount of name-calling that could happen in a debate such as this, however I tihnk he should remove the offending names from the thread title.

I think it's a good idea to avoid namecalling because it overly simplifies the issues, and a lot of nuances are lost.

For example off the top of my head here are 5 different scenarios where someone might 'shoot first'.


A player is being chased by zombies, bumps into you as he runs around a corner, panics and unloads his handgun into your chest before being swarmed by zombies and dying of blood loss.

- Excellent, DayZ is working perfectly.

A player sees you, you are pointing a gun at him, he perceives you as a threat and he shoots you before you shoot him.

- I think that this is a perfectly valid and sensible course of action.

A player sees you but you don't see him, you are trying to scavenge for supplies, he shoots you to take the supplies from you that he needs to survive.

-It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, I think this is valid.

A player who befriends you, accepts your help and shoots you in the back for fun and to generate tears.

- Some men just want to watch the world burn. I think these kinds of players make things more interesting, in small numbers.

A well equipped player killing newly spawned players on the coast who are not a threat and have no way to fight back

- I think that this is the only problem scenario. It's shitty behavior, but I think it's a sign of boredom. These players have won the game of survival and don't need to spend their time searching for their next meal. The endgame consists of nothing else for players but aimlessly gather the best gear, then use it on the less well equipped. This is a problem rooted in boredom, caused by the game, the game which can theoretically be fixed.


So if you were to label anyone who shoots first as a 12 year old mountain dew addled COD and Halo playing scumbag, then it's not really very constructive, and it glosses over a lot of nuances in player behavior. Even if you don't use name-calling, lumping all bandits in with bored endgamers as Virfortis did in his previous post is still glossing over a lot of valid game tactics.

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Im finding the whole bandit thing a joke! there are too many and its begining to make the game unplayable and pointless you spend 3 hours collecting some half decent loot only to have it stripped away by some low life with self esteem issues. DAYZ im loosing intest...

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Im finding the whole bandit thing a joke! there are too many and its begining to make the game unplayable and pointless you spend 3 hours collecting some half decent loot only to have it stripped away by some low life with self esteem issues. DAYZ im loosing intest...

Why are you playing the game then?

Wasn't that 3 hours fun? Wasn't the process of gathering that 'loot' fun? Or are you grinding through the tedious process of scavanging and evading zombies with the hopes of finally reaching some kind of fun promised land after you've finally amassed enough gear? Because spoiler: There is no endgame in DayZ, it's pretty boring and repetitive if you aren't struggling to survive.

If the process is fun then what does it matter if you died? You could have died to zombies at any time, you still had 3 hours of fun. If it's the latter and you hope to encounter fun at some undefined point in the future, then maybe you should lose interest in DayZ because you're not doing it right.

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I understand what your saying but im just finding the game "pointless" because as soon as i decide to go visit a town to try and find stuff i know its just going to be camped by bandits and all they are going to get is a flashlight and a bandage out of me because i havent had a chance to find anything thats why im loosing interest. new players dont even have a chance to defend them selves.

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I understand what your saying but im just finding the game "pointless" because as soon as i decide to go visit a town to try and find stuff i know its just going to be camped by bandits and all they are going to get is a flashlight and a bandage out of me because i havent had a chance to find anything thats why im loosing interest. new players dont even have a chance to defend them selves.

I agree that it is a problem, and I think it's caused simply by those endgame players having nothing better to do with their gear. But being a newly spawned with nothing but a flashlight and a bandage, that's not what you described in your other post, you said you spend 3 hours collecting stuff and you get shot, well surely you have something worth taking after 3 hours? Are you saying you can't accept being killed by other players for any reason? What's the difference between being killed by players and being killed by zombies?

I will say that it does suck to get shot in the back without even getting a chance, but that's just the nature of the game. Engagements in vanilla Arma and even a lot of other FPS games are like that a lot of the time.

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I will say that it does suck to get shot in the back without even getting a chance' date=' but that's just the nature of the game. Engagements in vanilla Arma and even a lot of other FPS games are like that a lot of the time.


Yes but shooting someone in the back in other games doesn't end hours upon hours of progress for them.

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Very, very well said. PK's will come to dominate the game because they tend to be poison / locked out of games after the developer realises the damage they do. So they'll flock to this one because it's a full-loot, unbalanced, exploitable, no-consequences PvP game with lots of innocent newbies thinking it had something to do with zombies.

Ball is ultimately in Rockets court, but it may well be he's happy with a niche / hard-core game and won't care. And really that's fine too, as long as it's clear what the intent is so people can decide how much they buy in to the game.

Of course it also occured to me that zombies might be part of the solution.

Wow. So your entire argument is you can't outplay the bandits? Sounds like the problem is with you' date=' not the bandits, jus' sayin.


If the problem is me, why so many threads? Because they're right.

You cannot "outplay," as you so basically put it, the "bandits" (although there's no such thing anymore) because they do not play DayZ as a survival game, merely a shooting gallery. That mentality, combined with the literal glass ceiling, makes playing against them impossible.

You're a survivor, in town, working on gathering supplies. You have a team covering you, but then there's someone on the radio tower with an AS50.

If you shoot, zombies surround you and you probably die. (consequence)

If they shoot, you die, and they have no zombie aggro. (no consequence)

If you don't shoot, they will. (consequence)

It is simply a no-win situation, not even an imbalance situation. It's simply a matter of you not being a bandit. If you're not a bandit, and you don't kill people on sight, you're just a KoS target for people. DayZ gives about as much freedom in player choice as a house of mirrors. It certainly LOOKS clear, but when you try to do anything other than this one thing, that being kill your way to the top, you're sent back to the beginning.

Survivors get far more consequences to their actions than bandits do, even though they're actually surviving. This is not imbalance, this is nothing more than catering a griefer experience.

So is DayZ an Open World Zombie Apocalypse Survival Mod? Or is it just another griefer playground? Right now it's the latter, so what's the point in playing if the sole objective is to get kills?

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