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Weapon Changes - Glitches, nerfs, and buffs.

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After 150 hours, i've collected alot of flaws in weapons

Heres my suggestions.

Anyone else is free to add.




Horizontal attacks are pointless. The axe is about half a foot from your body. Increase the range on this.

Fists. I understand this is realistic, but every fresh spawn now charges you, giving people a reason to "Epix snipez"

Hammers, knives, and other small melee seem to have no attack range.




Izh-43 is Under powered for the noise/low capacity, especially sawed-off. Increase damage and slightly increase spread, to mod levels.

Increase FNX-45's damage to 4-shot kill

Decrease Magnun damage to 2-shot kill

Decrease M4 to 4-shot kill


Change loot spawns for all guns a bit.

Right now, office buildings and cars are virtaully the only weapon spawns. I'de like to see them spawn in houses, pubs, and apartments, to decrease the "Elektro=all loot" mentality.

In addition, i think the magnum should be removed from military spawns. That way, it increases geared players needing to eplore areas besides Military bases. Same for it's ammo.


Ammo needs to be MUCH rarer for M4s and Pythons, and 7.62 should be slightly lower. Shotshells should be MUCH more common.


Scopes for the Mosin need to be alot more rare and spawn in civilian areas. PU Scopes are not usee by military forces often anymore. Long-range scopes should be civilian, to. This way, we get more people using the mosin as a regular rifle, instead of a sniper.


PU scopes should fit on the soon-to-be SKS.


M4 attachments should be rarer

M4 ammo should spawn separately from magazines. Magazines should always spawn empty.


Bayonets - hopefully soon?


Anything anyone wants to add?



And although i'm sure this is already planned out, the next gun i'de like to see after the SKS is the Ruger 10/22, then the AK-74.





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Agree with a lot of points.


Don't really get this one though;


Long-range scopes should be civilian, to. This way, we get more people using the mosin as a regular rifle, instead of a sniper.


So if I understand correct - you want to put the Long-Range scope in normal houses and think less people will have snipers?? I think it's really the other way around when LRS's spawn all over the place.


Also since the last patch M4 attachments have become a lot more rare, you want them to spawn even less? Haven't found a single one for a few hours looking for them. I normally just did a military tent camp run to outfit my M4 but since they don't spawn loot anymore i'ts become a lot harder.

Edited by Problematic

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Agree with a lot of points.


Don't really get this one though;


So if I understand correct - you want to put the Long-Range scope in normal houses and think less people will have snipers?? I think it's really the other way around when LRS's spawn all over the place.


Also since the last patch M4 attachments have become a lot more rare, you want them to spawn even less? Haven't found a single one for a few hours looking for them. I normally just did a military tent camp run to outfit my M4 but since they don't spawn loot anymore i'ts become a lot harder.

The point is you can't just loot an airfield and get all attachments. it forces you to look elsewhere.

and seeing as it appears to be a hunting scope, it shouldn't be in military areas. i'm suggesting it be more rare, to.


Trip to NWAF Last night got 2 pristine ACOGs, full Pristine MP Handguards/Stocks, Bayonets, Suppresors, and tons of damaged/ruined gear. look in hangers.

IRL Theres not millions of spare handguards lying around in random tents.

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Hmm, don't hit me for my opinion, but i think the spread shouldn't be increased on any of the shotguns, that are currently in the game.

the normal version is fairly "accurate", as it's supposed to be for a double and "long"-barreled shotgun.

Also the spread on the sawn off is big enough, i think.


Otherwise, i think it's good.




I'm still wondering, because in the gamefiles it says, that the shells, that were loaded with the snap-loader, do ~70-71% less damage, then the normally loaded shells.

Maybe this is the point in shotguns often resulting in NOT one hit killing in cqc..?

Edited by irishroy

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