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Box Bullets - Don't Unload outside of bag.

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I made this mistake.. about 4 times.. Mostly on purpose after the first time.

Found a box of bullets.  It was on the floor.  I for some dumb reason just said "Empty" box.. instead of moving it into my inventory & then saying "EMPTY"..
Anyways the bullets never spawned.. box is gone..  I waited a good 5 minutes..  Gave up moved on.

I did this again & again on a few more boxes.. Mainly because i didn't really need the AMMO just wanted to see if it would happen again.  & it did every time.

Sooooo Don't unload the ammo from the box unless it is in your Inventory.


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Yes can confirm this.


Protip; this happens to magazines too, so don't unload those on the ground if you come across them. Unless you're stocked on ammo and want to screw the guy who's looting your area next.

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