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Private,hardcore.... servers when?

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I love this game...played mod for about a year and probably had 1k hours on mod....few things i would love to know if anyone can answer, and yes i used search but i couldnt find anything.


When can we expect private hives, or how will they deal with server hopping and combat logging in general?

I mean if u ask me, right now i dont want any animals, cooking or cars or idk what, before they deal with server hops.


And what is difference in hardcore and regular other than locked first person?


Hmm, this right now feels too easy, even in mod i remember it was too damn easy. Few hours and ur all set full of everything.


>>I want to die of thirst and hunger<<...which is impossible right now. U find first water pipe u drink 30 times and for the next 3 hours u dont have to care about drinking at all??? Same goes with food,  one village looting and ur full of food....one airport, camp our some stupid server hopper.. and u have m4 with all atachments and bullets u want....



When will they set on some real hardcore servers, where u will get sick from just touching water pipe, where u gonna have to eat rotten kiwis to survive, and only 2 guys on server have m4 after 10 hours of searching,its worn out, has no magazine , and 4 bullets in his damaged improvised burlap-sack bag.

Where u gonna die of hunger just because u opened ur beans with axe and lost those 30% of beans......u get the picture.


Im not crying over lack of content....to me right there is more than plenty to go around, all im asking is IF and when will there be servers so extreme that veterans will die of thirst and hunger as mentioned above as an example....?




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Right now, hardcore mode is just first person only, however, alpha yadda yadda yadda, more will be added, same goes for all servers, the zombies are not even finished yet, mechanics are not finished, most of the game isn't finished, getting fully geared up is easy because there isn't much to find in terms of gearing up.

Sickness, infections, other medical complications are not in yet, heck, not even the item damage system is fully finished yet, you can eat ruined food, use ruined items for the most part just fine, sure some things no longer work when the item is ruined but most things don't have the item damage affecting it at all.


Bottom line: it will only get harder as more things get completed.


As for server hopping/combat logging, that is coming in the next patch or so, when you log out, you have a 30 second + penalty timer, penalty gets added to on server hopping, and can be added to based on other things as well, but during the timer, your character remains on the server, and you cannot join another server, that will essentially stop combat logging, and reduce server hoping.


As for private hives, in my opinion, there is absolutely no need for them, especially not at this point in development, if I had any say in the matter, private hives would not exist until beta at the earliest to prevent confusion in development(issues on public wont exist in private and vice versa), though it sounds like they will be coming soon, I doubt you will hear anything more from the devs about it, they have already said it is coming soon, but like anything, no ETA can be given.

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Thanks man , was hoping for answer like this! Next patch u say to stop server hoping, cant wait, for me it was one of the important things to get done.

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