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Two worst things about alpha Dayz at the MOMENT

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night servers  less loot spawns


OK I posted this before on another post but i would like to know what you guys think about the current state of Alpha Dayz


This post is about the effects that night and day servers and fewer loot spawns have within my time zone of Europe and perhaps other time zones, and been able to play the game?  because the day and night run parallel with real life and it makes it hard to play the game  if you can only play day servers, or only like to play day servers



OK we all know it Alpha and we must not complain bla bla bla  but here are some general  points i would like to make about current Alpha


recently on the last patch we have had more night servers and far less loot and weapon spawns and fewer buildings that have loot and weapon spawns in then, so IN MY OPINION  Making the loot and weapons rarer and rarer, and turning a lot of servers into  night mode "actually at night" , 

is causing  more and more server hopping and its getting insanely difficult to find a day server to spawn on,especially you are with friends or clan x2 or more, because most day servers are full or nearly full and thats funny because:

then you find that most of the night servers a nearly empty or half full or empty ? so why so many night servers ? it sucks


When you do actually mange to access a day serve, most of the time  every thing as been looted by the current population and server hoppers, and it is likely that you will starve to death if you stay on the same server


It make me laugh when you see peeps droning on about how we must have night servers for realism  , and then when you look at the server listings  most peeps are on or looking for the the day servers and a huge imbalance is caused  with players, loot, and servers


my suggestions is to leave the loot as it used to be  then get rid of of lot of night servers and have the developers concentrate there efforts on getting the game mechanics rights first, in my opinion that would help progress the game quicker and  stop this server hopping, for weapons and loot, because its spoiling the game play,and even if its just in Alpha mode peeps still need to have fun playing the game and if the players don't play the game the testing just take longer and the game will progress a lot slower


I suppose there will be an element of readers that totally disagree with this summery, but i would like to bet that there are far more that do agree were this night server and spawn problem is affecting your fun in the game

Edited by blueleader
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While having fun in any game is important, it is worth keeping in mind 2 things:


1. Rocket himself said DO NOT BUY DayZ at this point.

2. This is an alpha and we are basically alpha testers.


We didn't buy a game. We bought an opportunity to help develop a game. Basically the "fun" factor is not the most important part at this time.


Far as your current arguments, they are both issues known by rocket and the devs. Part of getting the game mechanics right is having a night server. Personally I love night servers. Makes for some really good close quarters combat. I am sorry you can't agree.Server loot is something that will be addressed as they implement server and client side optimizations. I will deal with less loot and zombies knowing that my game is going to be stable and not crash. Anti-Server hopping mechanic is probably coming in next patch or 2 which will help with server hoping. 


You are going to be getting a lot of ITS ALPHA posts because that is what everything is tied to. Just be glad that the game is actually playable and doesn't crash. For an alpha, the core of game stability is spot on. Not a single crash. Hint hint, wink wink DICE. Give it time and have patience. If you actually read the forums and twitter, you would know that your problems are being worked on. If you are having this many issues, by all means uninstall and go play DayZ mod in whatever flavor your want. You can have all the military loot you could ever want or need and have a child's game compared to the SA.


To sum up, quit bitching and go play the mod. I like the lack of loot compared to the mod. It means stuff actually means something. Go play the mod, and we'll see you in 3 months to hear you bitch more.

Edited by Fuddinator
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Well if you think i was bitching then your wrong i was  just stating some issues that we have with game play  at the moment that makes it very hard to be able to test the game in  Alpha if its unplayable at times,,,, 


just because its Alpha and we were told not to buy the game does not mean that we cannot report our issues of likes and dislikes as the game progresses and the reasons for this, with out been Alpherd to death by peeps likes of your self


I thought talking about problems  is what been an alpha tester was all about letting the developers know the problems that we are experiencing at each stage of the testing progress


you cannot expect peeps to play the game and be scared of posting there likes and dislikes just encase peeps like you  reply trying to discredit there opinions and turn them into  "why are you  bitching its an Alpha game"  peeps

Edited by blueleader
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not trying to be rude, but the game has never been unplayable, you just did not get your way and did not enjoy yourself at the time so you got frustrated and gave up it sounds like.


All the issues you mention are very well known already and thats why you get nasty posts from other players. (your beating a dead horse)

Edited by Blades421
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I agree that there should be a balanced night/day server list.  I think it should be half and half, simply because I know a lot of people who do like night servers, including myself.  In a real apocalypse, you will have to survive 24/7, not just during the day; the night has many benefits as well: Zombies have less visibility, players can't see you as well- which also can add some adrenaline since you can't see them either.  Plus, night servers usually do have a few less players.  Less survivors means more loot.  Like the comment above, I have to agree about the loot.  It's nice when after 3 cities of searching, you finally find an unlooted town with your ideal weapon.  If everything had high spawn rates for loot, is it really that hard to survive?  This game isn't meant to be a FPS, or a PVP only, it's also aimed to be a survival. Again, in real life, do you think every town is going to have loot?  Of course not.  :) Enjoy the game, or stop complaining.  As said above, go back to the mod and we'll see you soon. ^^

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not trying to be rude, but the game has never been unplayable, you just did not get your way and did not enjoy yourself at the time so you got frustrated and gave up it sounds like.


All the issues you mention are very well known already and thats why you get nasty posts from other players. (your beating a dead horse)

thanks for you comment,  what you say is true


sorry all i meant  was its unplayable if you cannot access a server, i because all are full

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I agree that there should be a balanced night/day server list.  I think it should be half and half, simply because I know a lot of people who do like night servers, including myself.  In a real apocalypse, you will have to survive 24/7, not just during the day; the night has many benefits as well: Zombies have less visibility, players can't see you as well- which also can add some adrenaline since you can't see them either.  Plus, night servers usually do have a few less players.  Less survivors means more loot.  Like the comment above, I have to agree about the loot.  It's nice when after 3 cities of searching, you finally find an unlooted town with your ideal weapon.  If everything had high spawn rates for loot, is it really that hard to survive?  This game isn't meant to be a FPS, or a PVP only, it's also aimed to be a survival. Again, in real life, do you think every town is going to have loot?  Of course not.   :) Enjoy the game, or stop complaining.  As said above, go back to the mod and we'll see you soon. ^^

If every one stopped playing a game when they found parts of it frustrating then there would not be any testing dude, ;) and for your information i have never played the mod or any other game of this kind

Edited by blueleader

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thanks for you comment,  what you say is true


sorry all i meant  was its unplayable if you cannot access a server, i because all are full


All the servers are full?

Since when.

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All the servers are full?

Since when.

You obviously did not read my first post ? so stop trolling talk sense or  go bother somebody else

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he means all the day servers are nearly full so he cannot join with all his friends, or it is very difficult when he finally can... (i think)

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Balance night and day server????

Either take the dam night servers away or get rid of gamma options. The real problem on night servers is its not really night with gamma lol. I usually dont carry a flashlight anymore on night servers ...? lol Dont even say I cheat with gamma, cuz everyone does it so they arnt at a disadvantage.

I personally still want to see night servers.

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While having fun in any game is important, it is worth keeping in mind 2 things:


1. Rocket himself said DO NOT BUY DayZ at this point.

2. This is an alpha and we are basically alpha testers.


We didn't buy a game. We bought an opportunity to help develop a game. Basically the "fun" factor is not the most important part at this time.


Far as your current arguments, they are both issues known by rocket and the devs. Part of getting the game mechanics right is having a night server. Personally I love night servers. Makes for some really good close quarters combat. I am sorry you can't agree.Server loot is something that will be addressed as they implement server and client side optimizations. I will deal with less loot and zombies knowing that my game is going to be stable and not crash. Anti-Server hopping mechanic is probably coming in next patch or 2 which will help with server hoping. 


You are going to be getting a lot of ITS ALPHA posts because that is what everything is tied to. Just be glad that the game is actually playable and doesn't crash. For an alpha, the core of game stability is spot on. Not a single crash. Hint hint, wink wink DICE. Give it time and have patience. If you actually read the forums and twitter, you would know that your problems are being worked on. If you are having this many issues, by all means uninstall and go play DayZ mod in whatever flavor your want. You can have all the military loot you could ever want or need and have a child's game compared to the SA.


To sum up, quit bitching and go play the mod. I like the lack of loot compared to the mod. It means stuff actually means something. Go play the mod, and we'll see you in 3 months to hear you bitch more.

this exactly why i think the 30 dollar price tag was a bit much it should have started at 20 or hell 15 then hit 30 in beta

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I think that loot spawns should be less around the coastal areas, more in the center of the map to encourage people to move inland. As for the night issues, well I think the way the servers are set up at the moment is problem. I play more of the mod now because I usually only have the time to play in the evening which means that I only get to play DayZ on Night servers. I have always sought out the Day/ Night servers as I want that type of experience however just night is just as crappy as only day time experiences. I can see why Rocket has set it up this way but there are sometimes where design desicions need to prioratise gameplay over reality. We are afterall in a Zombie Apocolipse, not exacly a "real" scenario afterall.


The only otrher thing I would add on the night aspect to the DayZ gameplay: the night needs to be lighter, or the moon needs to be brighter. I believe that you still should need to use Tortches to see details of the game like loot and what not, but the moon should provide decent ambient light for travel and general stuff (not including shadows i.e. buildings, of course). I once went sledging at night, it was a full moon and not a cloud in the sky and with the snow cover it really was like daytime. Madness!

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I am having trouble connecting to a server at all the last two days. This resulted in a char reset and I still only got to play for an hour after that, since it took so long to finally connect. I would gladly let my char be reset every hour if I could actually test the game when I have time to do so.

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I dont know what happend, but now even the gamma raise doesnt help, with turning up the clouds, its still pitch dark. Tryed several servers with my friend and its unplayable now because i dont know its only us or is it for all players. Yesterday we had no truoble with that. 


They should do something about the majority of the night servers because day servers are rare and full and night servers are empty. Not right to players who work.

Edited by Mavaly

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he means all the day servers are nearly full so he cannot join with all his friends, or it is very difficult when he finally can... (i think)

correct, thx


All i am saying is that


I feel night servers are fine in there correct  proportions maximum of 50/50, but having mostly night servers running at peak times (actually at night ) in the reagion of 80/20 is in my opinion unfair to the guys that like to or can only  play day servers and who work all day and can only play in the evening


Trying to force peeps to play night servers by vastly decreasing the day servers  is just unfair even if its for testing purposes, there should be some kind of fair  moderation between night and day 


just saying thats all, in my opinion Alpha should not come into this equation

Edited by blueleader

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The 2 biggest nevative elements affecting the game atm

1. The very frustrating UI and movement

2. Zombie AI and quantity

Not saying these things arent unfixable. These are just the two things that i would rather have fixed first and foremost. Because once those two things are fixed, then they can roll out whatever else they want. I can be held over with that quite effortlessly until its done :p

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