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Jynx (DayZ)

[FS] now own 3 helicopters and 1 jeep :|

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This isn't to mention the third fact' date=' which is that once you have actually found a helicopter, it's radar shows other vehicles (both occupied and unoccupied) - so getting more is a rather painfree process.


Is this true? I don't like this. This ruins all the work people who don't have a helicopter do to get a vehicle running and hiding it. This would explain why I can't ever keep a vehicle hidden safely even if it's near the borders or in very tall bushes that block every angle.

Basically this comes down to teams with helicopters can reap all the benefits of the work others do to maintain a ground vehicle.

Sorry if I derail the thread, but this kinda irks me and just demotivates me to even attempt to repair any future cars I find.

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This isn't to mention the third fact' date=' which is that once you have actually found a helicopter, it's radar shows other vehicles (both occupied and unoccupied) - so getting more is a rather painfree process.


Is this true? I don't like this. This ruins all the work people who don't have a helicopter do to get a vehicle running and hiding it. This would explain why I can't ever keep a vehicle hidden safely even if it's near the borders or in very tall bushes that block every angle.

Basically this comes down to teams with helicopters can reap all the benefits of the work others do to maintain a ground vehicle.

Sorry if I derail the thread, but this kinda irks me and just demotivates me to even attempt to repair any future cars I find.

Yes this is true, helicopters have radars that show other vehicles locations within a limited range, however it only shows up if you have line of sight , so if you park inside a barn or hanger or under dense tree cover, then they will not show up.

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So how come you're always on there with your mates, like right now (6 of 45 & locked), notice you removed your [FS] tags, did you think it made your cheating a little too obvious?

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So how come you're always on there with your mates' date=' like right now (6 of 45 & locked), notice you removed your [FS'] tags, did you think it made your cheating a little too obvious?

The FS tags don't always apply properly on joining, and the server is being throttled for logins again , given that its crashed about 6 times in the past 2 hours from people mashing connect i think we will continue the practice.

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Wow' date=' you are so good playing on an empty/locked server and repairing vehicules. Seeing as nobody watched your back while you guys repaired the thing and didn't much care about your surroundings at all it tells me you just abused an empty/locked server. So skilled, please, swing your epeen more.


Play on a full server and try that now, lets see how far you get.


Just posted this in the other thread, since you've got no idea what you're on about I'll post it here as well.

Ahhhh people moaning about something they know nothing about...

You probably weren't there when we airlifted the third chopper we have from the roof in Cherno after the server was full and a guy typed 'there's a chopper on the hospital roof in Cherno'

So we took both choppers over, dropped 2 guys off, went over to find it needed repairing completely, flew the choppers off to find parts whilst me and Pope sat on top of the hospital whilst the whole server knew where we were, popped 2 bandits that came to kill us, left the roof ourselves to explore the warehouse right next to us, came back, fixed the chopper, refuelled it and flew it off.

On a full server. In the middle of Cherno.

So yeah, carry on putting 2 and 2 together and getting 65.

There were 7 of us repairing that chopper you've seen in this thread, it spawned in a remote place that countless raids have only ever seen 1 or 2 people there. So 'didn't care for your surroundings' and 'nobody watching' are all rubbish. You can see for miles around where it spawned and we had a full group in an area not many people come to anyway.

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The server will be locked and unlocked every day.

Go and speak to the BTB guys Lofty who was just on our server, go and ask him what happened when we let all 50 players on at the same time and everyone started spamming the server chat with how they were stuck on waiting for server response.

Getting bored of this now TBH. The server is only ever populated with random people. There is no possible way to pre select who gets in, we unlock it, 10 random people mash enter within a second and our chat box fills up, we lock it again, wait a while, unlock it again, let more in, lock it again. And so on and so forth.

Butt hurt trolls who didn't get in in time are no longer going to be replied to by me. We throttle connections to stop the DB being overloaded which we can see, and you can not. There are plenty of people who can tell you about the problems that you get if you allow 50 players to join at the same time, since our server seems to be incredibly popular. We made a Reddit thread and received over 60,000 clicks in a few hours. The server cannot handle how fast it fills up. Salvaging and finding gear would be a lot harder than you make out since we have no control of who gets into the server and don't know where anyone is. The whining is just that. Whining.

I mean ffs, we find, repair and fly off a heli in the middle of one of the most contested towns in the game on a full server having to kill people who were coming over to us whilst 2 of us were fixing it, and we get threads being started saying we're cheating. Okay then. Lol.

Would have been easier to crash the server, restart it with a PW, fix the chopper, fly it off, restart server again and then tell people we were just experiencing problems no?

But I guess that doesn't fit in with the trolls agendas.

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I like how most servers don't lock their doors, most smart admins seem to restart their server when the HIVE is giving issues and things work fine after a restart or two, instead you guys seem to lock your server with a collection of FS and admins on, curious stuff bro make more excuses. I'm ok though, never going to UK3 because of shit like this.

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Most smart admins will start their server and lock it at intervals as we are, trickling player connections in. Helps prevent having to keep restarting it.

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Anyone notice how on every server a huey spawned in hangar #2 of the NE airfield. Also a UAZ parked outside, strange.

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I happened to join UK3 yesterday for a brief period while trying to get pat the 'waiting server response' issue. Vpope was on and locked the server while everyone who was in black screen had loaded. He asked everyone to say when they were in and then unlocked it. Stop being so paranoid, it's Alpha there will be issues which require admins to do things like this to allow people to get into a game. I spent 3 hours trying to get in a server yesterday and the only one that went through was UK3 so keep locking it while people load guys :)

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I like how most servers don't lock their doors' date=' most smart admins seem to restart their server when the HIVE is giving issues and things work fine after a restart or two, instead you guys seem to lock your server with a collection of FS and admins on, curious stuff bro make more excuses. I'm ok though, never going to UK3 because of shit like this.


I don't like spending 20min staring a black screen.

Throttling works, get over it.

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Staggering logins works.

But you do it alot, and should expect some people to complain about you locking a server, so don't whinge about it.

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Perhaps it's time for a better server or connection if there are so many issues? I really don't see it anywhere else, the exception is CodeUSA software, it seems they do it more often with some regular players, lock it for an hour then unlock indefinitely.

I've seen UK3 locked for 30 minutes at a time with the same people in it.

It seems extremely fishy to me, at best.

I know I am going to choose to never play there. I live in Canada so I only play euro servers for nighttime, but I know to avoid UK3 now.

It seems to me, aswell, that you guys are spending a fuck ton of time defending yourselves here. You also quote Rocket knows. Then who gives a fuck, if rocket knows, ask him to OK your server as compliant, and be done with the trolls.

To me, you defend yourself way too much for something you "apparently" didn't do. Just drop the subject, ask the mods to close the threads and have rocket verify you guys are legit.

If that doesn't happen, this will keep happening. And I'll be inclined to believe it too, with the frequency it seems to happen.

Disclaimer: This is what I am observing as a neutral, unaffected (primarily) party.

Just sayin'.

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Replying to a post is polite mate. Nothing more. You can't defend yourself too much, that's silly. If you ignore it, surely that's more suspicious.

Also LOL at PureUncut. De-reps every post I make in this thread after I killed him at the airfield. That's 6 now.

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