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Can my computer run DayZ ?

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I'd like to buy DayZ but I don't know if I can run it.


Windows 8.1 ‎(X64)‎

Intel Core i3 3220 3.30 GHz

Acer Aspire XC600 v1.0

Memory : 4 Go

Graphic Card : NVIDIA GeForce 605
DirectX : 11.0


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Please refer to this thread next time you have a question like this.


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And to answer your question, I really doubt it. Your GPU is very weak and your CPU is pretty sloppy too. 

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That gpu is pretty bad for gaming, i dont think you can get decent 30fps outta that thing, have you tried running the arma2 demo?

I know DayZ is more demanding, but if you cant run arma2 at playable fps you most def cant play DayZ with that machine.

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