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Death Message

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There I was eating a little cereal when all of a sudden the screen went black and a message "you are dead". I accept the fact I am dead, but come on it could be a little bit more descriptive. Death is a feature of the game sure, but that left a real empty feeling. How did I die? There was no sound of bullets so I am presuming an axe in the back, but maybe a message such as "you were killed by x using y" adds a little something to the experience , rather than you thinking was that a bug and I just got killed for no reason?

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During alpha, I don't think this will be either a priority or even possible.


There are too many glitched deaths, and I've died eating cereal, no one nearby.
I've died walking down stairs.

I've died crouching.

I even spawned in once on the coast and fell over dead before graphics actually came on.


I like to make little backstories. Choked to death on cereal, tripped on the stairs, sat on my nuts too hard, and froze to death washing up on the coast.


If you're dying and you don't know why, it's either a glitch or you're not being perceptive enough of the environment around you.



You were killed by Cripsin' Crunch Cereal via CHOKING
You were killed by Gravity via FALL

You were killed by Self via NUT TRAUMA

You were killed by Life via BULLSHIT



Incidentally, I'm guessing it's not in the SA yet, but in the MOD you can "inspect" a corpse to see why they were killed.   

Edited by crimsonBZD
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Why would they implement it? The game is supposed to be realistic.


I'm pretty sure there are no death messages in real life :P

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There is a realistic compromise for sure. The game is supposed to be realistic is one of the most uninformed, stupid arguments I ever heard. For instance - infinite sprint? Yeah, realistic... And the whole food, water hungry thirsty cycle, hooray for realism there. It's a simulator, things are simulated, far from realistic as no one really has the time to live a second digital life for realz man. It's a compromise between what makes sense to implement and what could kill the project if implemented. *rolls eyes* Oh wait, realistic and Zombie apocalypse - think about that for a moment, Let it sink in pal.Nope, it hasn't sunk in deep enough.... keep letting it.Deeper....deeper....

Edited by Sinphaltimus

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Why would they implement it? The game is supposed to be realistic.


I'm pretty sure there are no death messages in real life :P

But you can't prove it...

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I notice people get the definition of "realistic" wrong.

The game is in no way designed to be "realistic" by your definition.

The game is designed to provide a "realistic" survival scenario, in a video game.


The actual realism comes in when you think of the games mechanics. If you find your character bleeding, what do you do...?


THAT'S RIGHT CLASS! Put on a bandage. If you're hungry? EAT FOOD thirsty? DRINK about to die of poison? Charcoal tabs.

The logic is real, the end-user experience exposes you to realistic variables, the game itself is a game.


If you still disagree, ask yourself this. When you were a child, playing with Nerf Guns or whatever, were you able to sprint, jump, and reload your nerf gun perfectly every time without tripping, dropping a dart, or ruining a dart from jamming it in their? No, you weren't.

Unless the game is taken so far to add chance of failure variables in almost every action, it won't be "real" it'll be a "game." Furthermore, everyone would bitch that you only needed to drink water for the first 30 or so days of your characters survival, and then climbing a ladder would have a chance to fall rate, which people complain about falling off ladders enough already.


Case in point: no matter the game, there are elements that players desire to be consistent and as unrealistic as possible.

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Totally agreed! I've once died because I was climbing up a ladder in a building and it was like... WHAT? So if I die suddenly I would like to know if I died because of a bug or because someone killed me. It's supposed to be realistic, yes, that's why dying by a bug is not realistic so they should give us some info about how did we die.

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I honestly would much rather there be no message at all.

Just blackness.

I'm sure people can figure it out without "you are dead" on the screen.

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or maybe have a kill message when 1 player kills another (to the whole server). . . or someone dies and maybe having an icon or something signifying his hostility. . . i got Ned Beatty'd deliverance style by people who claimed to be friendly. . . i know i shouldnt trust anyone but...

Edited by Doomslinger

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or maybe have a kill message when 1 player kills another (to the whole server). . . or someone dies and maybe having an icon or something signifying his hostility. . . i got Ned Beatty'd deliverance style by people who claimed to be friendly. . . i know i shouldnt trust anyone but...


someone tried to do this to me, but was basically like "i'm friendly i'm friendly" then told me to surrender. my sawed off told him firmly "no"

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