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so i was at the military base/airfield and i was at the tents and before the update me and my friend found so many attachments for our guns and now, i have gone to about 20 different server (no joke im serious) in search of some attachments, but i cant find anything idk if its only happening to me but im sure their is a problem

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1) Stop server hopping for loot. It's an incredibly lame tactic employed by bad players and it's completely against the spirit of DayZ.
2) I believe the spawn table was recently updated so that military loot is much rarer. So yep, those attachments are going to be harder to find. Welcome to the first step towards a more pleasant DayZ experience. :)

Edited by Target Practice
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1) Stop server hopping for loot. It's an incredibly lame tactic employed by bad players and it's completely against the spirit of DayZ.


2) I believe the spawn table was recently updated so that military loot is much rarer. So yep, those attachments are going to be harder to find. Welcome to the first step towards a more pleasant DayZ experience. :)

i only server hopped to see if the whole no attachment this wazs a problem server side, i dont ussually server hop (it seems unfair) and i guess the new update could have changed some things around, so thanks for the help!

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I have noticed military loot spawning in places it didn't used to spawn but it's a lot rarer. I like this change in many ways as it reduces the benefits of server hopping and means it takes longer to go from fresh-spawn to badass. Still changing it from too much loot in the tents to no loot, may be a bit much it would be nice if something spawned there, or maybe it does and it's already been taken?

Edited by TD808

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The most gamebreaking thing right now, imo, is how players choose to see this alpha.

Spawn, run south-west or north-north-easterly until you find preferred loot location A. Loot location A. Continue running until you see an airfield. Loot. Run to favored location B, loot location B. Fully geared - now it's time to play CoD.


I wait for the DayZ when a pistol is not a guarantee, and bullets even less so.

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