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purification tablets?

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so i tried searching for this and didn't find much on it just a couple different posts but this is what i propose.

so realistically soda (or pop however you say it) dehydrates you right? well i think we should enter a small tier system when it comes to the liquids in the game.

-soda being the lowest tier will quench your thirst but only for a short time seeing as it dehydrates you and such

-water from ponds would make your thirst go away for longer but would have a possible small infection or sickness rate

-then the last one would be water that you had put some purification tablets in that would keep your thirst away for a long period of time so you would worry as much

to realistic? or just another facet to the survival in this hell hole we are trying to live in.

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soda doesnt dehydrate you, you may not get as much hydration from it as plain water but thats all.

As for pond/lake water carrying a risk of infection, well it could be implemented i suppose, seems like a fairly minor mechanic to be worrying about at this stage of alpha though.

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