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" OMG thees nuw pach reeset may chaructor!" or  " I HATE KOSSSSSSING IM Tring to Has fuun!". Please stop. This isn't a place you go to vent your anger after you die, and lets be honest if you dye in this game to another player then 


A. You need to learn how to avoid places where people like this typically are.


B. You need to learn how to kill them first.


If you want to play all "I'm a pacifist zombie apocalypse survivor" then play with friends you trust, stay away from high pop areas or only interact with people who don't have weapons ( although some freshies seem to have this impulse to try and fist fight anyone they see). 


If you lost your character due to server issues please check the bug and glitches section because you can be 100% that your not the only one, no we don't care how much it sucks.


And lastly..... EVERYONE dies at one point or another, yes it sucks but that what makes trying to survive worth while... if it wasn't a risk every time you walked into the open, or went into an airfield then whats the point. If you play the game without the feeling that your always being looked at threw a scope then honestly your missing the concept here... It shouldn't matter how people "want" to play the game, it should matter how people "have" to play the game. Your goal is to survive, the way you do it should depend on your circumstances, whether that means people are shooting at your or you just ate your last can of beans and your hungry. People who say this games isn't a death match are wrong in my opinion, it most certainly is, just not the type your most people are accustom too. Every moment you play your constantly battling with death at every corner. Either from a zombie, a player, a fall or your own physiological needs. Every moment you manage to not let death lure you into its depths is the reason you play this game. In the end you WILL die and you WILL feel bad about it but that should only drive you to GET BACK UP and start anew, with more experience, with the knowledge of how to improve yourself, and better hon your abilities.


Yes I kill on sight, When I see someone with something I want, or need. Yes I help people who in a worse situation then me. I play the hero when I can but I'm not afrad to play the bandit if I need to. 

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by making this thread u have helped everyone see the light and all these threads will now stop


good job

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We simply need more subforums to sort all the different crap, suprisingly the forum also seems to be in Alpha.

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Step 1: Buy the game.

Step 2: Go to the forums, after an incident happens in game that you didn't like.

Step 3: Complain about KOSing and or losing all of your gear while failing to realize that its part of the game and you shouldn't get attached to your gear.

Step 4: Forum posters (some of which probably have done this themselves) complain about the countless threads created by players who took part in Step 3 on the forums about this topic.

Step 5: Realize that you shouldn't complain because game is in alpha and a major part of Day Z is not getting attached to your gear.

Step 6: Repeat Step 4 yourself.

Step 7: Make forum thread complaining about people complaining about losing their gear.

Edited by Timecharge
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Yea, you guys are right. This type of post won't help. I shouldn't have posted this.

Well, thanks OP. You've gone and done it now....

At the same exact instant that you made THAT ^ post, hell froze over, pigs learned to fly, and the apocalypse started....

All because you had to go and see reason, and be mature.


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