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Reflection and Opinion of DayZ till Jan 24

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There are a couple of aspects of this game that in my opinion are starting to look like its actually heading in the right direction. However, that being said, there are a couple things bothering me with the current state of the game. Could be due to future implementation, but most of it seems like a "fix" rather then "will be fixed" if you know what I mean.


Firstly, thank you rocket and team for the server update. The game is now much more enjoyable with separate hives and multiple characters across multiple servers.  :D


Alright so the list .. 


1. Loot

This is probably the biggest thing bothering me, food loot as well as other loot (can opener, butane tanks, etc) are not spawning as often as they used too. Yes, I do agree they need to be lowered from version 30.114, but the amount / % that it was lowered by was too harsh. Hopefully you can increase the rate at which they spawn on server reset. Also, some buildings no longer have loot inside them whatsoever (namely army tents with dirt floors, the 2 floor mesh tents are still spawning nicely). 


2. Mosin Bug or Requires complete nerf

Mosin now has a bug in version 31. 114557. Currently the "clean" Mosin can load 5 bullets into the weapon. However, after the Mosin is spray painted either color (black, green), the weapon loses its capability to load 5 bullets, instead, it is now limited to chambering 1 bullet. Even after firing the weapon, you are only allowed to chamber the ammo, limiting the Mosin to 1 shot. Now this could be due to further implementation, let me explain. 

The Mosin is an internally fed sniper rifle that had to be loaded ammunition 1 bullet at a time to a maximum of 5 total bullets. If this chambering is actually how the Mosin was initially supposed to be loaded, this would create more realism and stress the accuracy and efficiency of the weapon (make your shots count because reloading will take LONGER). At this point its impossible to tell what the dev's have in mind for this weapon, but personally I would like to see a more realistic reloading of weapons which runs into my next point (yay for segways!)


3. Realistic Reloading

A dev's call and interpretation will be needed on this point. Reloading weapons in real life is a PAIN in the middle of a firefight. I would like to see a more realistic reload system implemented into the magazines and chambering of weapons. By realistic I mean, the actual action of putting bullets into magazines / weapons 1 by 1. This will obviously take longer the larger the magazine and therefore make people think twice about reloading. This will stress the amount of time each person can keep firing bullets and their reliance on their secondary. I feel this point would be better shown through example. For sake of example, please assume each soldier has an M4 of equal capabilities and skill

Hero: 2 magazines, no extra ammo, and Magnum Pistol

Bandit: 2 magazines, extra ammo and no pistol


Bandit fires at Hero with retaliation, both soldiers expending both their magazines of their M4. Now at this point, both of the soldiers have 2 empty magazines. In the current version, Bandit (because he has extra ammo) will simply drag his ammunition to his empty magazine and be fully reloaded where Hero will have to switch to his pistol. Bandit comes back up to return fire at Hero which naturally leads toHero's death  :(


Now in the way I suggest, after both soldiers expend their magazines, Bandit has no choice but to reload his magazines (this will take some time for him to be fully loaded) while Hero can safely pull out his Magnum and reposition. Bandit is fully loaded, peaks the corner and is safely neutralized by the Hero


If you excuse the obvious hate I have for Bandits, you can see this has quite an impact on the gameplay. "Topping off" Magazines will result in less time to reload a magazine ( if there is currently 34/60 ammo inside a coupled magazine versus a 0/60 magazine). Mosin will also have the same effect of reloading through chambering into the internal magazine of the weapon. 


4. Weapon Spawn Rate

LOVE IT! Please just keep the spawn rate of weapons the same. The elusive M4 is much harder to obtain and definitely helps with the balancing of powers within the game. People are now more fearful of a person with a weapon then before and I feel its something that would mirror real life. I am still up in the air about the ammunition spawn though. 


5. Stomach, Food, Water

There was definitely a change to how quickly you could get the "healthy" status, and the stomach. I can't say I'm 100% for these changes. I like the idea that it is now harder for people to obtain the "healthy" status, but the stomach seems too fast. I'm sure this goes hand in hand with the difficulty of trying to reach "healthy" and the loot rate, but I feel that the stomach digests way too quickly. going from a "stuffed" stomach to "hungry" or "thirsty" in around 40 minutes is way too difficult in the current loot drops of DayZ. I can't exactly put my finger exactly what needs to be balanced but, i think the stomach should be content for at least an hour after getting the "stuffed" status. This would naturally make the time of getting "healthy" more difficult, but I think that would make more sense. 


Thats the only points I can think of for now. Maybe another thread down the road. Again thank you dev's and community for taking the time to read this. 

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I do think they need to add a 3-5 second timer to the time it takes to add bullets into magazines. Or like 1/10 of a second per bullet. Its still not realistic as most people might average 1 second per bullet as you can't easily hold thirty rounds in one hand and put them into a magazine, but that's just taking things too far. A compromise should be made on that one.  

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I think the loot feels so low because people are constantly having their characters wiped.

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I think the loot feels so low because people are constantly having their characters wiped.

You're going to hate the final version then.

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I do think they need to add a 3-5 second timer to the time it takes to add bullets into magazines. Or like 1/10 of a second per bullet. Its still not realistic as most people might average 1 second per bullet as you can't easily hold thirty rounds in one hand and put them into a magazine, but that's just taking things too far. A compromise should be made on that one.  

Yes, I do agree there needs to be a compromise. However I don't feel this timer thing you are talking about. Everything happens for me instantaneously. 

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There are a couple of aspects of this game that in my opinion are starting to look like its actually heading in the right direction. However, that being said, there are a couple things bothering me with the current state of the game. Could be due to future implementation, but most of it seems like a "fix" rather then "will be fixed" if you know what I mean.

Firstly, thank you rocket and team for the server update. The game is now much more enjoyable with separate hives and multiple characters across multiple servers.  [:D]

Alright so the list ..

1. Loot

This is probably the biggest thing bothering me, food loot as well as other loot (can opener, butane tanks, etc) are not spawning as often as they used too. Yes, I do agree they need to be lowered from version 30.114, but the amount / % that it was lowered by was too harsh. Hopefully you can increase the rate at which they spawn on server reset. Also, some buildings no longer have loot inside them whatsoever (namely army tents with dirt floors, the 2 floor mesh tents are still spawning nicely).

2. Mosin Bug or Requires complete nerf

Mosin now has a bug in version 31. 114557. Currently the "clean" Mosin can load 5 bullets into the weapon. However, after the Mosin is spray painted either color (black, green), the weapon loses its capability to load 5 bullets, instead, it is now limited to chambering 1 bullet. Even after firing the weapon, you are only allowed to chamber the ammo, limiting the Mosin to 1 shot. Now this could be due to further implementation, let me explain.

The Mosin is an internally fed sniper rifle that had to be loaded ammunition 1 bullet at a time to a maximum of 5 total bullets. If this chambering is actually how the Mosin was initially supposed to be loaded, this would create more realism and stress the accuracy and efficiency of the weapon (make your shots count because reloading will take LONGER). At this point its impossible to tell what the dev's have in mind for this weapon, but personally I would like to see a more realistic reloading of weapons which runs into my next point (yay for segways!)

3. Realistic Reloading

A dev's call and interpretation will be needed on this point. Reloading weapons in real life is a PAIN in the middle of a firefight. I would like to see a more realistic reload system implemented into the magazines and chambering of weapons. By realistic I mean, the actual action of putting bullets into magazines / weapons 1 by 1. This will obviously take longer the larger the magazine and therefore make people think twice about reloading. This will stress the amount of time each person can keep firing bullets and their reliance on their secondary. I feel this point would be better shown through example. For sake of example, please assume each soldier has an M4 of equal capabilities and skill

Hero: 2 magazines, no extra ammo, and Magnum Pistol

Bandit: 2 magazines, extra ammo and no pistol

Bandit fires at Hero with retaliation, both soldiers expending both their magazines of their M4. Now at this point, both of the soldiers have 2 empty magazines. In the current version, Bandit (because he has extra ammo) will simply drag his ammunition to his empty magazine and be fully reloaded where Hero will have to switch to his pistol. Bandit comes back up to return fire at Hero which naturally leads toHero's death  [:(]

Now in the way I suggest, after both soldiers expend their magazines, Bandit has no choice but to reload his magazines (this will take some time for him to be fully loaded) while Hero can safely pull out his Magnum and reposition. Bandit is fully loaded, peaks the corner and is safely neutralized by the Hero.

If you excuse the obvious hate I have for Bandits, you can see this has quite an impact on the gameplay. "Topping off" Magazines will result in less time to reload a magazine ( if there is currently 34/60 ammo inside a coupled magazine versus a 0/60 magazine). Mosin will also have the same effect of reloading through chambering into the internal magazine of the weapon.

4. Weapon Spawn Rate

LOVE IT! Please just keep the spawn rate of weapons the same. The elusive M4 is much harder to obtain and definitely helps with the balancing of powers within the game. People are now more fearful of a person with a weapon then before and I feel its something that would mirror real life. I am still up in the air about the ammunition spawn though.

5. Stomach, Food, Water

There was definitely a change to how quickly you could get the "healthy" status, and the stomach. I can't say I'm 100% for these changes. I like the idea that it is now harder for people to obtain the "healthy" status, but the stomach seems too fast. I'm sure this goes hand in hand with the difficulty of trying to reach "healthy" and the loot rate, but I feel that the stomach digests way too quickly. going from a "stuffed" stomach to "hungry" or "thirsty" in around 40 minutes is way too difficult in the current loot drops of DayZ. I can't exactly put my finger exactly what needs to be balanced but, i think the stomach should be content for at least an hour after getting the "stuffed" status. This would naturally make the time of getting "healthy" more difficult, but I think that would make more sense.

Thats the only points I can think of for now. Maybe another thread down the road. Again thank you dev's and community for taking the time to read this.



1. Loot will be made to respawn eventually, and as more and more items get added to the game, spawn rates will need to be adjusted and balanced, this isn't finished.


2. Bug, they have the option to "chamber a round" which will only load 1 round, the normal loading is meant to be 5 rounds, something just went wrong when they added spray painting.


3. I remember Rocket mentioning something about this, but I assume it does it all in one go into a magazine as a balancing act, to be honest, it still takes longer to load a magazine before putting it in your gun then simply swapping magazines, and loading magazines in the middle of a fight is already pretty risky, it is always better to carry several magazines.

The mosin obviously has the animation of loading each round into the gun, and as far as I know, there is no way to "break out" of the animation, if you started loading a 60 round mag, you'd be stuck there close to a minute reloading, it would be fine if you could break out of the animation, but yeah, I am guessing they have a reason for opting not to have time for loading a magazine(though, it is an alpha, subject to change).

I do understand what you're saying though, it is rather quick right now, infact, I believe loading a partially full magazine takes longer, since you have to first empty the mag, then reload it, so yeah, makes sense to me to be able to start loading in rounds.


Actually, what would be nice is to be able to load a magazine without having to go into the inventory(and being able to reload the mosin without going into your inventory), perhaps a separate key, for used when you have either a mosin or mag in your hands, which is for loading 1 round of appropriate ammunition, you can hold the button down for multiple rounds, but once you let go you stop then you can take another action, I don't picture that being too tedious, at least in my eyes.



4. Once more weapons get added, it will be even harder to acquire a functional weapon, as you need to find the right ammunition for the right gun, and in most cases, the right magazine too, will certainly complicate matters once different magazine types get added, so I imagine working guns becoming more rare then what they are now.


5. I assume you have done research into the mechanics of this, so I am just going to say, don't forget stomach has nothing to do with hungry/thirsty status, you can have an empty stomach and not be hungry or thirsty, and as I have not played around with it too much after this most recent patch, I can't say any more then that.

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