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Flashlight and Body Temperature?

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So hello everyone :)

I just started playing yesterday and there are two concerns that bother me somewhat...

Firstly, i have a flashlight when i spawn, but there is no way to turn it on... Why is this? It says it had 2 batteries inside it, but if i press L, it does nothing, even if the flashlight is equipped in my hand...

Then secondly, my body temperature is 42C°... That is a serious fever in real life... so what i'm not sure if it's a bug or intentionally unrealistic (which makes no sense)?

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temperature is not a fully implemented feature, don't worry about it but that said don't let it get lower than the low 30's.

The flashlight only works at night, thats an Arma2 issue.

You will find lots and lots of janky and broken shit in the game, this is because its a mod in alpha, you just have to accept it along with the frequent feature changes and tweaks, or leave for now and come back in Beta.

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Thanks... i had a thought that it might only work at night... but personally i like to sleep at night and not play... so seems like i can just basically drop my flashlights from now on :)

As for buggyness... i also found a goat yesterday which wasn't moving and was just staring in a field with open mouth... sometimes it hovered around a little but that's all...

So yeah, i see there are improvements needed, but the game seems fun so far, even while i couldn't play much yet :)

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You could drop it but it has its own space in the equipment belt, if you keep it there it won't take any space in your inventory.

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