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Just Found 'Pipsi' and Sprite (plus other new items/thoughts on patch)

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Love all the new items I am finding, that weren't exactly in the build notes.


Also found new items:

Hand Gun Weapon Flashlight (attached to my FX, works lovely)

.357 Speed Load for Magnum (Pristine, but can't figure out how to attach)

Weapon cleaning kit - didn't bother picking up because of reports of only negative interactions with guns


Also notice an error message is now given when you fail to place something in your hands.


Other notes:


- Suppressors still not functioning

- Still cannot change from rifle to axe without stopping

- I swear there is an increase in Zombie population. Plus, range in which they become aggressive increased. I was walking as a fresh spawn and I saw one running from over 200 yards away, right at me when I did not make any sounds

- Could be luck, but I also found a pristine M4 and Pristine Mosin in one sweep of Vybor


Great update so far!

Edited by Zifadel
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There's also a fermented bread drink called Rasputin Kvass, which sadly doesn't get you drunk. Also, I found a pristine Kiwi, first time so far:




It looks as if they haven't filled out the northern, north-western part of the map yet:




I would hate to be standing in one of those empty zones when all the new buildings are patched in. You'd end up like the chaps in The Philadelphia Experiment, fused to the superstructure:




Also, if you look at this and move your eyes about, you'll vomit:



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