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Dagnome's Bar & Grill

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Welcome to Dagnome's Bar & Grill! This server is dedicated to the core of DayZ, good old fashioned survival of the fittest fun! I, Dagnome, am your administrator on this prestigious server and would like to invite you to come and play on it! Tired of playing alone? Are the sounds of silence getting to your head while you play? Then join the server provided Teamspeak channel and chat it up with your fellow survivors, or your Bandito compadre's!


A few things to keep in mind when you play on the server:

-There are no rules

- I only take offense to individuals pretending to be administration

-When private hives become available this server will become a private hive, so if your looking for a solid server to hang your survival headgear up in, this is the place for you!


Server Information:

Teamspeak: ts30.gameservers.com:9242

Server:  Port:2302


​I look forward to seeing you on the frontier ladies and gentleman!


Your humble host, 


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